Hi ladies . I had a failed ivf in Sept after a pretty poor response to stimms & we weren’t really planning another try, rather just doing everything we can naturally to improve our chances . However I have spoken to a new clinic and they are quite encouraging that I have a fair chance , partly because ee already have a daughter naturally conceived 4 years ago. I am considering it but probably only if we are eligible for the multiple cycle refund package. My dh thinks if we are not eligible it’s because our chances are too low & therefore not worth trying. Do any of you ladies know the chances of being accepted at least for the 50% 3 cycle refund package with an amh of 3.1? My husbands SA is good and my other results are normal too. Know they assess on an individual basis but would appreciate if anyone can share their experience so I don’t get my hopes up. Thanks ladies xxx
Access refund cycle - secondary infer... - Fertility Network UK
Access refund cycle - secondary infertility and low amh eligibility?

Hi lovely, so pleased to read this & you're looking at all the possibilities. I'm afraid I don't know your chances of being accepted but the people at Access are really lovely when you call to have a chat - maybe worth calling them and having a conversation?
Good luck & keep in touch xxx

Aww thank you. Yes not ready to give up yet! I did phone access but they said they can’t say until they have a letter from clinic and all results in front of them . I really doubt I will be eligible but will see. Everything is just a waiting game currently waiting for copies of my results to send to new clinic then they will check them, see if they want more tests then give me an appointment... will keep the updates going. How you enjoying life as a mum of 2? Xx

Also I just went on access website & says they have 90% Acceptance rate of their refund programme so I’m a little more hopeful now x
Hi huni, my amh is less than 1 and I was told I'm not eligible. Yours is better so hopefully u get a chance xxx
Mine was 3.2 and I wasn't eligible x
Thanks! They replied to me to say 5 is normally the minimum but other things like already having a live birth mean they might accept a lower one . I am taking dhea now to see if I can get it higher ! X
I saw your post in secondary infertility page and wanted to check your other post regarding this topic. I’m age 40 and I have my daughter 3 years ago with NHS funding ICSI. We want for second child but my AMH is 0.028 in March and had no change for IVF. We want to try here again but treatment itself very expensive. Could you please advise if I have chance to get fund/ help for my second child IIVF?
Thank you
And what dhea tablet you were using please?
It’s was micronised 25mg which I took 3* per day, I ordered it online from McPherson labs. I was also taking ubiquinol which I got from woods supplements. You won’t be entitled to anything like ivf on the Nhs Given you have a child nor are those tablets available though I have heard of people being prescribed Clomid is or progesterone for specific problems . I wish you luck x