Does anyone have any knowledge of what criteria Access Fertility use to assess eligibility on their refund programmes? I found out today that I am not eligible for any of the refund programmes (50%, 70% or 100%) and I am extremely upset. It seems that my low AMH is the cause of this however I thought I would at least get accepted onto the 50% programme as I am under 35 and otherwise healthy.
Access Fertility IVF Refund Programme... - Fertility Network UK
Access Fertility IVF Refund Programme- how do they decide eligibility???

Hi there, I’m sorry to hear that, I thought it was down to how many failed ivf attempts you have had. I have had two failed attempts so couldn’t get the 100% refund. I know someone else that has had 3 failed ivf attempts and was not eligible for any either. I know they also do a two cycle non refund policy that is not down to a medical. Did they not give you any indication why you had been turned down? Xx
I applied for the 2cycle ivf with icsi 50% refund and got accepted. I am 30 (31 in July) have polycystic ovaries, underactive thyroid and my partners sworn morphology is a slightly different shape to what it should be.
I know they go off your medical from the clinic but not sure why they would decline you. Can they not tell you the reason.
Best of luck in your next steps x
That’s really frustrating that they wouldn’t let you speak to anyone else for an explanation. I just checked my AMH levels and mine were 71.6 units x
I wrote to access recently and they told me they ‘generally ‘ don’t accept amh less than 5 or someone with 3+ failed cycles . I was gutted too. I haven’t formally applied but trying dhea to get my amh up first . Sorry to hear you are upset I felt same xxx
Thanks, you seemed to have gott n more info out of them than me. We've decided to go with the 2 multi cycle programme as it's slightly cheaper than if u were paying for 2 separate cycles. Taking DHEA too in the hope that it will increase the number of eggs retrieved. Best of luck with everything. Xx