Red spotting yet again 😢: Oh god this... - Fertility Network UK

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Red spotting yet again 😢

Waitingforourmiracle profile image

Oh god this is just like the worst torture. Have red spotting again, no pain so just keeping an eye on it. Hubby should be home soonish and dreading telling him. I just feel so guilty delivering bad news 😢😢

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Waitingforourmiracle profile image
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18 Replies

Hey. Apparently lots of people get lots of spotting. Can I ask what support hormones you are taking? Also, my acupuncturist yesterday told me there are lots of things they can do to stop bleeding.

So sorry this is happening again! Are you able to get hold of your clinic?


Waitingforourmiracle profile image
Waitingforourmiracle in reply to

I'm not on anything as it was a natural fet.

My clinic is closed now but will see how it goes over the next few hours and call the epu if necessary.

Trying to hold on to the fact I'm in no pain as a good sign

in reply to Waitingforourmiracle

That's good. Can't you call the epu anyway? They may be able to provide some relief as in assurances?

Waitingforourmiracle profile image
Waitingforourmiracle in reply to

I might do but every time I've called them before they tell me I have to go to a&e and a&e will refer me if needed. Then I sit in a&e, see a doctor and get sent home and told to wait and see what happens

in reply to Waitingforourmiracle

Have you been to the loo recently? Is it a lot? With clots? Or just spots? Apparently some people have spotting right the way through - no explanation. Hope you are relaxing with feet up and a cup of nice tea?

Waitingforourmiracle profile image
Waitingforourmiracle in reply to

It's not a lot just a few small spots on pad and a small amount when I wipe. No clots. Just scary when it gets close to a reddish colour.

Currently sat watching the ugliest dog programme in my pj's with a peppermint tea xxx

in reply to Waitingforourmiracle

That sounds perfectly fine. Try to relax. I would be so scared in your position too and immediately take to the forum for reassurance. Here's hoping it stops and you can relax until Friday. Thankfully you don't have to go to work tomorrow xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Hey. You’re having such a scary time. It’s probably just another one of those things, scary but nothing serious. I hope it all calms down for you soon and that you’ll finally be able to enjoy being pregnant xx

Waitingforourmiracle profile image
Waitingforourmiracle in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you darling - I hate to keep posting and moaning when others would give anything to be in my shoes but I just feel so drained by these constant scares. I just want to know my baby is ok and why I'm bleeding so I can just enjoy this special time as I certainly won't be doing it again if all goes ok and we have our baby

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Waitingforourmiracle

Hey. I don’t blame you one little bit. Besides you’re not moaning you’re just asking for help and reassurance at a scary time, and that’s what we’re all here for xx

Hopingforasign profile image

Hi there

I have read back over a few posts and also your story, what a time you have had 😟

I want to start by saying a big congratulations to you for your pregnancy xx

I can only imagine how the spotting and bleeding is so worrying and stressful. I don't have any experience of it myself but have seen it written many many times that bleeding in pregnancy can be part of the pregnancy. Still terrifying for you.

I'm glad to read there is no pain. Spotting and bleeding can still be OK (even if red) if not accompanied by pain (although again this doesn't signify something is wrong .)

I can only say try to stay as relaxed as you can and be kind to yourself . Im sorry i dont have better words of wisdom or advice. Im thinking of you and keeping you, your little bean and hubby in my thoughts 💓 XXX

lianm8 profile image

Have they found any cause for the spotting? Any bleeds noticed on the scan etc?

I wouldn’t worry if it’s spotting and no pain - I have been told unless I’m filling a pad an hour there’s no need to worry. There’s lots going on at the moment and the placenta will be implanting around this stage xxx

I would ask your clinic to give some progesterone support cyclogest or lubion xxxx

Gabi80 profile image

I'm sorry to hear you're going through this.

I can relate to this stress and worry at the moment. I was bleeding bright blood all day yesterday, quite heavily along with cramps.

I spent the whole day in a&e - I was told initially by a nurse I'd be getting an emergency scan later that day as I'd had previous miscarriage during my last round of IVF.

But when I was finally wheeled up to the early pregnancy ward 6 hours later,i was told there were no scan appointments for 2 days! And was just told to take paracetamol for the pain in the meantime.

I was sent home in tears. I'm now just trying to bed rest and take my mind off it by watching films and hoping this little miracle keeps going.

I know how hard and scary it is. Especially after the journey we all go on to get this far.

We must never lose hope.

Keep resting up and I really hope everything settles down soon and you can get the reassurance you need


Kyell2 profile image

Oh no. I’m so sorry that you are having such an awful time of it. Hopefully rest and trying to keep stress levels low until your next scan will help.

We have ladies on here all the time with bleeds around the baby sac and they are fine. I’m hoping that the same is true for you. Look after yourself xx

Thank you once again for putting up with me ladies.

Have woken up to nothing new on the pad and only a teeny bit of brown when I wipe. No pain still and still have my big heavy sore boobs (although that's about my only symptom - wishing I was getting a bit of morning sickness).

At my scan last week they saw no cause for the bleeding, they said the pregnancy sac looked fine. I guess I'd just like to know what's causing it as it's pretty much once a day and it's so scary.

Gabi80 how is your bleeding this morning? Sending you lots of love, it's awful being told to wait. Just try and find something to get stuck into like a good book or box set. Hoping all will be ok for you

I'm so sorry to hear you've had more. I'm in the same boat, you may remember I've commented before. I've had red spotting on and off for 2 weeks, but 2 scans showed no problem. I'm a lot more calm about it, but I know how frightening it is. Everything I've read, and been told, indicates it's nothing to worry about. Sending you big hugs xx

Huge hugs hun. The spotting on and off is horrible! I didn't relax a bit until my 12 weeks scan. I called epu each time and was scanned 5 as luckily ours say just come up after asking questions and they will see you as long as not scanned within the last week. I had hardly any pregnancy symptoms. Barely no morning sickness, felt strangely like I had energy, huge appetite. Only thing was my boobs went huge but other than that wouldn't have known I was pregnant. Why I guess baby was a boy lol.

Try to rest but potter to as at EPU when I was bleeding I said should I go home and rest and they said that used to be the advice but now they know doing gentle activity such as walking is good as gets blood flow to the uterus so keeps everything down there healthy and flowing. So don't go overdoing things but try and keep some gentle activity going. Is it Friday you have your scan hun? Keeping everything crossed for you but I don't think you have anything to worry about xx

Claire_cullen88 profile image

Hi. Just to try any reassure you. I’ve had a lot of spotting and even heavier bleeds but everything is fine. Can’t you talk to midwife or gp to see if you can be referred to early pregnancy clinic!? How far along are you? Xx

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