Feeling down in dumps- why? - Fertility Network UK

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Feeling down in dumps- why?

Grace30 profile image
20 Replies


I am now 10weeks pregnant I had an early scAn through my fertility clinic at 7weeks everything was great, strong heartbeat! I’m feeling good just really tired and apart from the past week I feel so down in the dumps, I am snapping at everyone , crying a lot I just can’t seem to find happy medium. I have had a long long journey to get where I am and I am over the moon but I just can’t seem to snap out of this mood. Me and my partner are bickering constant and I just generally feel down. Why though I have everything I have wanted for a long while now! Xx

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Grace30 profile image
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20 Replies

So sorry you are feeling like this. All I can suggest is perhaps hormones? Or maybe similar to hangry? You have been through so much to get to this point it must be so hard. Wishing you different hormones to bring you joy and laughter soon xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Omg I could've wrote this myself

I'm so sorry but seriously this is normal hormones I'm 6 weeks and even before I found out iv been so snappy upset and just feel so 💩 it's awful. I never get mad at my daughter but she's even testing my patience. I'm going yo the Dr next week to speak about it because it's really getting me down me and my partner are having time apart as he's even questioning our relationship that's how bad it's got, I really do think it's our reaction to our hormones and once they settle down hopefully our moods will settle and happiness increase then. If you want to chat hun pm me, I really do get what your going through iv felt exactly how you do and I feel like running away on top of it my symptoms sickness is really bad and I'm not enjoying food or drink. The antisickness helps a little but makes me feel zombiefied. I wish I could suggest a way to resolve this hun but I needed you to know your not alone, big hugs 💗💗🤗😘

Emmad781 profile image
Emmad781 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

" I totally agree with you, I feel the exact same and I'm 6 weeks 3 days

It's very frustrating hoping this miserable feeling will end soon and ill enjoy food again

Good luck to you both hope you both feel happier very soon xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to Emmad781

Your just s day behind me, hopefully once the hormones have settled well feel much better, good luck you too hun 💗🤗😘

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Hey hormones totally hormones please be fair and kind to yourself we have been through more than most to get here so bound to have more impact on us. I even had a sudden panic the other day about what kind of mum I will be and selfishly how this will affect my relationship with my dh...I felt so guilty as been wanting this for so long that I was so upset I had these thoughts..I think we are all so tired and confused and we will have all sorts of moods and phases over next 9 months..here for you anytime oh and AllWeNeedIsluv so sort things with your partner are so tough..I hope he soon realises all of the above and is back by your side supporting you soon xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to vic77

Hey Vic.

Them thoughts are normal don't kick yourself about them you'll experience a transformation in your way of thinking through your pregnancy you'll see life from a different angle nothing to worry about, I think it's just preparation for being a mum,

Thanks hun he does get it but it's just tough sometimes because when he's tired and I'm tired and crazy hormonal one tiny little thing can set me off, we'll get there sometimes time apart is good, he sent me some lovely flowers and text saying I must ring if I need him and that he loves me and appologizes he's just really tired too, hopefully once my hormones balance out things will be better. He's gonna start cooking for me too a big dish that'll last two days then I'll stop worrying about food I can't stand the smell of coking it, that's been getting to Me too.

Grace I promise you'll get through this hun it's just real tough those hormones at the minute


JULIETJAM profile image
JULIETJAM in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Oh Cat, you are having a tough time babes. As if the morning sickness was not enough for you. I hope the clinic can find a solution for you and may God ease your symptoms. Take care lovely and hoping your other half will soon understand it’s not you and hope you can re unite again x

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to JULIETJAM

Thanks hun,

He gets it time apart is good though because I am like a lioness once I get going and he's a lion so IRS the sensible thing to do we communicate via phone and he sent me some lovely flowers saying to ring if I need him and that he loves me he's going to start cooking for me every two days so I don't need to worry about the smells so he's trying. Thanks Juliet hope your hubbys ok 💗🤗😘

JULIETJAM profile image

I am so sorry you are going through these hard emotions. I had a breakdown the night before my 7 week scan and in the morning I was so snappy when my hubby was driving to the clinic. Part of it was he had upset me but it was over something very small which normally I would handle better. However, the not being able to enjoy food and having to force myself to eat or drink is frustrating. I know it’s for a good reason but I wish I could enjoy food like I used to. All I do is pray to God to ease my symptoms and I believe He will. I am 7 weeks+ 2. Hang in there ladies but I will pray for you. x

Purpledazzle27 profile image

This is very relatable. At that time for me I was very emotional and stressed. I think it’s a combination of hormones and the fact that you can’t quite believe it worked and you are terrified something might happen so emotions are all over. I started to go off any kind of healthy food at that point and just wanted to eat rubbish which I didn’t realise was the start of morning sickness so doesn’t help. I had a long chat with my husband about how I am feeling and he admitted to feeling a similar way. I hope you feel better. All the best xx

Jojo_2017 profile image
Jojo_2017 in reply to Purpledazzle27

Oh it’s making sense now! I’ve always eaten really healthily but I’m 8 weeks now and have been eating loads of carbs & junk lately. Ive forced myself to get back on track with my eating today as I’m worried the little bean won’t be getting enough nutrients. Xx

Purpledazzle27 profile image
Purpledazzle27 in reply to Jojo_2017

As long as you take your prenatal vitamins you should be ok. I avoided actually being sick by eating through it although didn’t eat all that healthy. I think if I had tried to eat salads and things I may have actually been sick. It eased off by 12 weeks and I could eat better although still crave naughty things like sausage rolls 😋 xx

Jojones86 profile image

Hi Grace I think it’s totally normal. Like everyone says it’s hormones playing a huge part but I do also think it’s all the pressure from the journey we have been on.

Finally after such long journeys we have what we want but emotions cannot be just turned off like a switch. I think it takes time to accept that you are pregnant, especially in the early days when there is no bump or feeling. I think there is also added stress and worry about everything going well for the next few months.

I also found that I had spent so long trying to get pregnant I had almost forgotten when I was pregnant that meant having a baby - sounds silly but I got a bit overwhelmed!! I almost cannot let myself believe it is happening.

Anyway just sharing that so you know that all these crazy feelings are normal. But mainly hormones I suspect!

Take care of yourself


Grace30 profile image
Grace30 in reply to Jojones86

Thankyou! I’m glad it not just mexx

Amanda86 profile image

Definitely hormones Grace, it’s horrible but I too was a mess, mood swings were horrendous and my OH struggled to cope with how bad it was but I just couldn’t control it. I’m also not someone who cries but I did have a few breakdowns over nothing (thanks hormones). It does get better xxx

Grace30 profile image
Grace30 in reply to Amanda86

I feel so sorry for my partner I love him so much, but then within a few seconds of him doing something/nothing I hate him ha ha ha! So strange. I don’t want to keep using the excuse , oh it’s my hormones. Ha ha! Thanks makes me feel better knowing it not just me 🙌

Katm123 profile image

Don't underestimate what you have been through. My little girl is 5 this month so a long time since we got our long awaited BFP.

I can remember feeling this way, and people thinking I should suddenly be singing from the roof tops.

It wasn't until she was about 6 weeks old I was out with her and this huge feeling hit me, so overwhelmingly and I thought oh my god we have done this, it's real and this is what it feels like to be living again.

It is no exaggeration when I say on our journey we grieve and we mourn and that has such a profound affect. It will take you a while to get over what you have been through, but without reservation I would go through it all over again in a heartbeat for what we have.

Wishing you the very best.xxx

Grace30 profile image

This makes so much sense, I feel like my family/partner think I am being ungrateful coz I’m not “singing from the rooftops” like you said. I am happy but just so many other emotions going on . I have my next scan in 2weeks so hopefully will calm a little more after that. Thanks for your advice xxx

Sarahmanc profile image

I think we just put a lot of pressure on ourselves. You’ve wanted this for so long and now you have it you want everything to be perfect. That level of expectation is exhausting, together with the fact that early pregnancy is exhausting anyway. Give it a few weeks and hopefully you’ll feel better - the second trimester was great for me xx

Jojo_2017 profile image


I’m 8 weeks pregnant & I’ve also had my ups and downs in relation to mood swings. I’m convinced my hubby is trying to wind me up a lot of the time but think it’s just me being irrational and hormonal. My boss keeps asking me if I’m ok and has done for the past few months. I think he’s under the impression I’m going to leave the company, but he couldn’t be more wrong :)Trying to keep a lid on it until the 12 week scan & hide my rapidly growing boobs. :) xx

We will get through it. I’m sure mood swings are normal :) xx

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