Hi Ladies, anybody had of Sympathetic Pregnancy. It’s where husbands and partners of expectant mothers get pregnancy symptoms. I must admit I am a bit naive and was shocked when I read this.My poor hubby has been sick since Thursday night and I worried he was having a heart attack with him having been diagnosed with a heart condition over two years ago so I googled and this is what I found: livestrong.com/article/3261...
There is lots of article about men getting symptoms when their partners are pregnant. I have not been sick though I have terrible nausea but my hubby bless him has been very sick. It happens to some men and I guess he is among the few.
So ladies, don’t panic like I did when he could not stop being 🤢 sick. He thought and still thinks it’s a salad he ate when we went out for lunch on Thursday but I now know that it’s Sympathetic Pregnancy symptoms.