I’m just wondering if anyone can give me anymore info on x-Wray of the womb. Where they put the die in?
Is it painful? Any information would help put my mind at ease.
I’m just wondering if anyone can give me anymore info on x-Wray of the womb. Where they put the die in?
Is it painful? Any information would help put my mind at ease.
Hi S-wind. Sounds like you’re having an HSG x-ray of your tubes. It can be uncomfortable but is soon done. Take 2 paracetamol an hour beforehand and that should help. They will look after you, so try not to worry. Good luck! Diane
If it is an HSG (x-ray Test with dye), I was worried too but it really is not too bad. Part of it is like having a smear and then you lay there whilst they take some pictures. Tiny bit of cramping pain like a period but it doesn’t take too long. There was a nurse present when I had mine and she was really supportive to me. Focus on your breathing- I just kept on thinking on how much I wanted to have a baby and that i could do this! You can do it too!!
I’m scared i better get a grip because it’s only the start of things really isn’t it xx
Hi s-wind, I have had this done and it was absolutely no problem at all. I thought it was more comfortable than a smear and the whole thing felt much less stressful. I was terrified too (as I am of everything else there is to come) but please don’t worry.i know everyone has different experiences but remember most people share if there is an issue so you don’t hear as many “oh it was fine” stories . You will be fine, you are going to go through with it anyway so worrying won’t help it will only stress you out. Good luck lady hope all Goes wellxx
Don’t be too hard on yourself. It is natural to be anxious. I remember having anxiety dreams before my first scan that I was going to miss my appointment!! Sometimes the thought is worse than the actual event and once you’ve had the HSG you may feel more on the journey. Big hugs x
Thankyou for ur responses. I hope to let them know as soon as I start my period so they can book me in. Starting my period is goin to be worse than usual, not only am I not pregnant but also have to ring for this, I just have to get through it 😱 xx
You’ll find that the fear is worse than the act. Good luck xx
I had this done a few years ago. It’s a little uncomfortable but really not too bad. You may experience a cramping sensation but you will be fine. Try to relax as it will make it easier for you. Xx
Hi, it's really not that bad so please don't worry. I took 2x paracetamol and 2x ibuprofen when I parked the car approx 45 mins before my appt and i didn't feel very much at all, try and relax as much as you can. A nurse is with you all the time and explains what they are doing. They also told me there and then that everything looked OK. Good luck xx
I had my hcg test done last year and I wasn’t looking forward to it. In reality it was fine, although it was uncomfortable. As other ladies have said some paracetamol and deep breaths and you will be fine. Good luck!
Completely agree with all the other ladies comments. Good luck xx
I just had mine done today. The nurses were lovely and helped so much. I have a retroverted uterus and my cervix is tilted to one side... so the lady had some trouble finding it! It was a bit painful when the catheter went in and was inflated, but not as bad as I was expecting. It was all over really quickly. I was a bit shaky afterward but probably because I was so worried about it. Good luck hun you will be fine!
Aw I’ve booked my today as the first day of my period arrived late, which was a massive blow as I thought I could of been pregnant again. So sick to death of thinking that I’m pregnant tell myself every time I’m being silly.
Anyway it’s on Tuesday I’m so scared 😱😭😭 watched videos too hasn’t help, my cervix is also on one side I be so glad when it’s over 😞
Did you get all ur results today. Glad you’ve had urs 💙 lots of love to u xxz
You are not being silly! Hope is what keeps us going.
The results were given while I was still lying down, all good with my tubes thankfully. They show you the video and explain where everything is. Let them know about your cervix before you go in. Tell them you're anxious and don't let the consent form scare you. Best of luck sweetie xxx
O god I am scared I’m trying not to think about it.
Thankyou so much for replying and helping me, means a lot xxx
Sorry did u say they gave u the results there and then? I’ve asked if we can try clomid she said If she’s happy after this 😱 I’m trying to focus on getting answers than the pain of something goin through my cervix 😞 xx
Yeah the radiographer explained the results. She will make a report and send it to my consultant. I also want to try clomid! Have been waiting ages for the hsg cos my periods are really irregular. I have pcos and don't ovulate properly. 'm on the ivf waiting list but want to do something in the meantime. So sorry you have had losses what heartache. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need. Xxx
Thank you,
It’s just frustrating. I think at present I am ovulating but also find it strange that we haven’t fell pregnant since August. I was praying she wouldn’t suggest a hsg as I’m very scared, I think I need to pull myself together don’t I. Just hope there’s nothing major goin on. It’s all we’ve wanted now for what seems a life time. My partners sperm test isn’t till the 20th March then takes upto 3 weeks, I was upset but actually feel lucky in some ways to of actually fell pregnant as it’s all I want now obvs with a better out come.
I have everything crossed that u get what u need for ur happy ending xxx
It’s uncomfortable..... like a bad period cramp but only for about a minute. I’m such a wimp and I got through it fine so u will be fine...... honestly.....! Good luck xxxx
Hey I had the procedure today, I worked myself up so much, I can say I don’t want to have that done again. I hugged all the ladies before I left, they were so lovely. Tubes are ok. Thankyou to everyone who replied on here it means so much that u went out of ur way to help me. 💖💖💖
Glad to hear it all went well and it's all done now. Hope your having a relaxing evening xx
Hi this is such a personal question, apparently ur chances of getting pregnant after a HSG are higher. I’m just wondering if people waited a few days or were told to wait due to getting an infection 😕 I’ve got 7 days in my head for some reason I’ve no idea where this has come from. Hope everyone’s ok 💖
Hi, you should have been given some antibiotics (I was given mine just before the procedure) to stop you getting any infection. Apparently it is supposed to improve your chances of conceiving within the following 3 months I was told. Unfortunately didn't work for me but fingers crossed for you xx
I don’t want to scare you, but I will be very honest with my experience. It doesn’t hurt to everybody but to me this was extremely painful. The good news is that the pains only lasted a few seconds, and after that only had some soreness, but nothing special.
I didn’t do much research before, so didn’t take any pain killer beforehand. If it wast today I would have taken 1g paracetamol and 400mg ibuprofen at least 30 min before.
Good luck xx
It’s ok I’ve had it done on Tuesday, it isn’t pleasant but so worth it to know what’s goin on inside.
Was just wondering if people had to wait a few days before having sex, I’m not sure and don’t want any infections so I think we’ll wait. Goin to give my body a rest this month. Emotionally and mentally draining all this it’s so hard on us a couple, I think it’ll make us stronger. Love to all xxx