This is my 3rd FET and I’m so anxious about testing on Thursday I feel sick. Up until now I’v stayed really positive but not naive to the fact it might have failed. The thought of going through that again is really worrying me. So much so, I don’t want to do my test as I feel like I’m enjoying this little positive bubble I’m currently in. This journey is so cruel and I don’t like getting my hopes up but everything this time just feels different. I can’t put my finger on it but it just does and I’v just convinced myself it’s worked. I need to prepare myself incase it hasn’t. Has anyone else felt like this ?? Usually I test a day or two early but this time i don’t even have the urge. Instead I’m dreading it!
OTD on Thursday but too scared to test - Fertility Network UK
OTD on Thursday but too scared to test

Oh love,
I think everyone on here can relate!
For my successful transfer I didn't even do a test at home because I couldn't bear it - I felt traumatised from all the negatives I'd seen. Do you have the option to go in for bloods - this worked much better for me.
I felt so similar on my last transfer. Just couldn't bare to test. Fingers crossed all goes ok for you xx
I completely get this. It’s nice to stay in the PUPO bubble! Xx
yes, I’ve been there. Didn’t want to shut down the possibility of a pregnancy with a test, in case it was negative. But on my positive round I also felt different- only mentally, symptom wise it was same as my other rounds. But mentally- I kinda knew even though I desperately tried to talk myself out of thinking this way. Best of luck to you x
Thank you 🫶. That’s really interesting as that’s exactly how I feel. I guess I will know Thursday 🥺. Congratulations on your positive xx
You’re not alone with how you feel, I can totally relate and felt exactly the same.
Just wanted to say that I have everything crossed that you get your positive on Thursday. Big hugs x
good luck 🍀 baby dust to you. I am currently in my 2WW and I feel exactly the same. I am scheduled to test on the 17th and I just feel super anxious as back in March I had a failed FET. The thought of going through another cycle just scares be. I really do wish you the best.
Have you had any particular symptoms ? If you don’t mind me asking.
Thank-you and good luck to you too. I hope you’re keeping yourself well distracted as well as getting some rest! It’s such a rollercoaster of emotions isn’t it and so hard to keep positive when previous transfers didn’t work but I must say this time iv felt more positive about it. I have tried so hard not to fixate on symptoms as I had symptoms on my last 2 and they both failed but I have had tender breasts, mild headaches and I’d say I have been needed a pee more but that’s probably because iv been drinking a lot more too! Other than that I’d say I feel pretty normal. How about you?? How you feeling? Xx
I’m feeling fine physically. I feel worried as I haven’t been able to rest as much as I work 5 days a week in a hospital so I am on my feet a lot but I’m taking it easy. Symptom wish there is no pattern.
Slight breast tenderness and heavy feeling near my ovary area and that’s it really. I do feel tired but can survive the day. Also very hungry. I am on the patches, twice daily cyclogest and lubion injection. Trying to stay positive and distracted. Do let me know how you get on . Fingers cross xxx
As long as you’re not over doing it or lifting anything heavy I’m sure it won’t impact anything 🤞🏻.
I’m pretty tired too but again I feel like the whole process is tiring anyway so not really thinking into it too much.
Keep going.. you’ve got this. I will do. Keeping everything crossed for now 🤞🏻. I hope time goes quickly for you xx
good luck for Thursday! (And good luck to everyone in this hellish 2ww!)
Hi Slm123! In the past I would have been very excited to test and only to see very clear negatives. Until the not so recent one where I dreaded it. I was dragging myself to get out of bed. But I thought I just had to do it to have it done and dusted, put myself out of misery and to cry harder if I had to. Twas funny how I mentally prepared myself to seeing a negative and almost had one eye closed while I slowly looked at the result. Lols.. Best of luck to OTD.
This is a never ending worry, even when you get the positive. I’m going through that at the moment after a positive, driving myself mad as I don’t have much symptoms and I keep thinking In 2 weeks there will be nothing on the scan!
I have everything crossed for you for Thursday and hope you get the positive test. Xxx
Just thought I’d update you lovely lot and thank you all for your kind messages! I finally found the courage to test this evening (did it this evening instead of in the morning because I wanted time to process it if it was negative and perhaps call in sick in work) and to my surprise it’s positive!! I can’t believe it. I am soo soo happy but I’m also a little nervous becuase the line is quite faint… should I be expecting a stronger line by now? I am going to do another test first thing in the morning as well but just wondered what you guys thought..
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Congratulations xxx positive is positive. Does your clinic do bloods ?
how many days past transfer are you? I’ve read some can implant a little later and it only matters that the line continues to progress 💕
Today is 13dp5dt and tomorrow was my official test date. Thanks, I will do another test in the morning as this was done this evening which may also be why the line is faint. This whole journey is such a worry isn’t it xx
Congratulations! I hope things continue to progress well for you and you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. I hope you are treating yourself to something nice to celebrate this positive step forward. 💖
those tests aren’t super sensitive so looking good so far! Congratulations xx
congratulations 🥳 do a early morning test should be darker, best wishes xx