I heard from my clinic today who have said I’m on a long protocol, yaay! Im just trying to figure out how long that will be from first phone call to EC, by my count it’s about 8weeks. Does that sound about right? I just want to figure out time off at work if possible!! Tia! 💕 xx
Silly question time....: I heard from... - Fertility Network UK
Silly question time....

Hey! From my last cycle I think it was about 8 weeks xxx
Thanks for replying! I was trying to work it out on last years calendar but hadn’t wrote all the dates down for our first try! So far I’ve written everything down 😂 and that’s just phone calls!! Due to start protocol soon, fingers crossed!! xx
Hi, I’m in my 2WW at the mo and I was on the long protocol. It was just under 6 weeks for me from starting injections to EC. Good luck x
I was counting from when I phone to say AF has started as then I have 3wks to wait til day 21 and prostap injection again! I do remember it went quick from there!! Thanks xx
It can be 6 -8 weeks because sometimes you’re on the stimulation drugs for a bit longer than two weeks depending on how you respond.
I started down regulation on 18th December, first scan 2nd jan, stimulation started on 4th January (our clinic always started on a specific day- tues or thurs) and egg collection on 22nd January and transfer 27th January with official test on 7th Feb. It’s pretty hard to predict unfortunately. Lots of luck ! 🍀

Thanks for sharing your experiences xx

Wow, yours took a whole week longer than mine! I started down regulation on 25th December (a lovely xmas present) and egg collection was 24th January. Stims started on 12th January. I took exactly 11 days stims on round two as well, even though was quite a few months younger and had slightly different protocol.
I was only on buserelin for down regulation too. It took 18 days to get a good number of follicles and the right size and I had to take bemfola and then have menopur added in. I’m happy with the length and confident that the clinic were doing right by me

I was on Bemfola the last time and have noticed I’m on Gonal F this time, wonder if there is any difference?! xx
That sounds too long compared to my cycles. I've done long protocol three times and had delays on my down reg twice but even so it was never that long. This last time it was 4 weeks 3 days, from the start of buserelin on day 21 to egg collection day. My clinic only use buserelin for down reg, I didn't have to go on the pill or anything. I stimmed for 11 days then took my trigger. My cycles are quite short though (average 27 days) so I guess my downreg bleed does happen fairly quickly.
Oh heck no Scarlett13 I’m not injecting that long! Thanks Lizzie for your experience as mine was roughly the same my first time but I was trying to remember how long until the prostap injection which I now realise is day 21. My 1st protocol was the same, I had just added the 3wks from when we phone on the 1st day of AF. I had 10 days stimms which ended up 12 last time before EC. I couldn’t find my diary and my calendar didn’t have all the dates written on and all I want to do is try and be off for EC lol!! I will need to be quick with holiday forms or I might have a problem as it’s only a small team of staff!! Fingers crossed and thanks again for everyone’s input!! xx
I have just been through long protocol, I started down regulation on day 21 of my cycle:
20th Dec - day 1 of cycle
9th Jan - started down regging (supracur)
26th Jan - started stims (menopur)
12th Feb - trigger shot
14th Feb - EC
19th Feb - ET
4th Mar - official test day
So all in all if you’re counting from day 1 of a cycle then it was 8 weeks and 5 days to ET for me, 5 weeks of injections altogether. Good luck with your cycle, it’s tiring but try to take each day as it comes and think positive!