Ladies question first scan is normally 6 weeks isn't it. Am I right in saying when I've checked due date calendars it says I'm about 3 weeks and 5 days... is that right? As my transfer was only last sat ... so does that mean a first scan is only a couple of weeks away if it's at 6 weeks? X or is it like 6 weeks from transfer?
Silly question. ..: Ladies question... - Fertility Network UK
Silly question. ..

Yes your scan will be in a couple of weeks. When you have egg collection you are 'technically' 2 weeks pregnant. It's very odd to us that know exactly when everything has happened but at least you are 2wks closer to seeing little one xx
My hospital does 7 week scan. And it's dated in normal pregnancy terms so At date of EC you are 2 wks pregnant. I had about 2.5 wks from OTD to wait. Mine's tomorrow and I've found it worse than 2ww!
Aww! Thanks for letting me know. I can see t dragging like mad then! Did you have any symptoms? Good luck tomorrow x
I was scanned at 7 weeks and 5 days. You're already 4 weeks pregnant by your OTD but the wait does feel like an eternity!!!
Thanks hopeful x made a doctors appointment for Wed. I'm going to take another couple of weeks off and chill. Not going to tell the clinic I've been testing early and let them know the result on Wednesday. As I was tempted to tell them today just so It was acknowledged and then maybe it will start to feel real x