So had my first appointment where they scanned me. They found 18 follicles one side and 12 the other - is this ok?
Thinking of egg sharing.
Had bloods taken for amh will find out tomorrow what the result is.
Fingers crossed x
So had my first appointment where they scanned me. They found 18 follicles one side and 12 the other - is this ok?
Thinking of egg sharing.
Had bloods taken for amh will find out tomorrow what the result is.
Fingers crossed x
That is a brilliant number. Good luck for ec x
Amh 40.8! They said excellent so will wait and see. Husbands very concerned because I’m a small person he thinks I won’t be able to cope with all the drugs - what are your thoughts? Can this happen? Xx
They will adjust your medication so don’t worry good luck. Great numbers. X
Thank you, it’s scary xx
Sounds like you're off to a flying start with all those great numbers! X