Life sucks: So today I should be happy... - Fertility Network UK

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Life sucks

AJJ123 profile image
31 Replies

So today I should be happy, just got a new Audi. I should be over the moon but also found out a family member is pregnant after a month or so of trying.

Can you believe it I’m actually crying my eyes out, not because I’m unhappy for them but because of all the years I’ve tried and had no luck.

Just feel so inadequate xx

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AJJ123 profile image
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31 Replies

So sorry your feeling this way and don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all been there. Just remember your time will come soon enough. Sending you lots of hugs! X

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Thanks I feel like such a twit. I’m just annoyed with my situation and the fact I’m faced with it. I knew it would happen but nothing really prepared me for how it would make me feel. I was in the Audi dealers when i found out and just felt like I’d been kicked in the face lol. I switched it off until I got home and just went upstairs for a quick cry - it’s just a horrible feeling of self pity xx

TTCs profile image

It's an awful feeling and so unfair. You aren't alone. Just shows that no matter what we have in life it can't replace a child, guess that's why we are all willing to fork out small fortunes for expensive treatment. We have to hope our time will come but it certainly isnt easy waiting and never knowing. Sending hugs ur way 😘 xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to TTCs

Thank you, I know everyone here understands which is why I felt I needed to post. No one else gets it, there’s no sensitive way of telling someone I guess and for people like us it kills whichever way you find out. Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to AJJ123

Definitly does. Though i do find ir easier not to hear face to face that way u can prepare yourself first x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to TTCs

Thank god it was a text xx

saraht23 profile image

I think a lot of us have been there. When I found out my niece was born I cried hysterically for about 5 hours straight. You feel awful after for being upset but it’s natural when it’s something you want so badly x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to saraht23

I know, it’s like your hearts ripped out xx

saraht23 profile image
saraht23 in reply to AJJ123

It doesn’t help that my sister in law does nothing but complain about motherhood and thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to throw around comments like “you can’t possibly understand until you’ve had children of your own” whilst being fully aware of our situation. We’d give anything to have the pain of labour, the sleepless nights, the dirty nappies and she knows that x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to saraht23

That’s really insensitive. Our family member said in their text to my husband least I know there’s nothing wrong with my b***s. Well there isn’t with his either, but I just probably took that the wrong way.xx

E_05 profile image

Please don’t beat yourself up, I’d be and have been exactly the same. Unfortunately it can all feel so unfair at times especially when the one thing we want seems to come so easy to others. Thinking of you x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to E_05

Thank you, yes it does and it seems like it’s all the time everyone’s pregnant except me. I become less ok with it depending on how close that family member is, friends I can detach for some reason. Xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply to AJJ123

I’m exactly the same, I can ‘cope’ with some announcements but detaching myself but that’s not always possible is it. I hope your family member is sensitive to your feelings xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to E_05

I think with friends u can pick an choose if you see them. I knew this was going to happen before it did and I also knew it would hurt when i found out. I’m not upset by them, I just feel rubbish xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Sadly many of us know how you feel. We want it so badly and it hurts to see some get it so easily. Perfectly normal reaction given your situation xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thanks I’m glad it’s not just me going nuts, I have never cried before over it. It’s like it all just got too much and I felt as though I’d let my husband down and felt worthless. I know I’m not worthless and I know that there are people that need me, need me to be strong and not let my issues upset them. Roll on 19th xx

Kiedy84 profile image

Aw Hun I know this feeling, been there just before Xmas. Cried my eyes out for 2 days. Felt so angry and jealous:-((

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Kiedy84

I know, for me it’s not jealousy it’s more hurt. Like someone up there is punishing me and rubbing my nose in it. I just need to get my s together and look forward to my appt for IVF on 19th. I want to do something to get my mind off the whole thing and start being more positive xx

emu2016 profile image

Don’t ever feel guilty or silly for this. It’s normal and it’s difficult to explain to anyone who isn’t where you are. Of course you’re happy for them. But it still hurts.

Long drive in the Audi to clear the mind?! I’m pretty jealous of that too! ;-) x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to emu2016

Yes, well if softened the blow 😉. Still today’s a new day, I need to look at moving forwards. I can be the crazy lady with the flash new car hey xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to AJJ123

Try and do something nice with hubby. IVF will be here before you know it x

JenRoy profile image

Oh poor you! Sending so many hugs. I know exactly how you feel. In the past 2 months both my sisters and both my sisters in law have broken the news that they're pregnant. One of my sisters phoned & told me that her pregnancy (no 4) was a "mistake" and they were initially upset but now really excited. I managed to croak out some vague congratulations before I said I had to go. And then bawled my eyes out. I haven't even been able to speak to my sister in law. Just too upset! I also feel like a twit plus a selfish cow!! But I can't help how I feel. You want something so bad and yet it happens so easily for others...and the insensitive comments can be the icing on the cake. My fave is "you just need to relax" or "just both go out and get drunk one night"??!!! 😂

I hope you feel a bit better soon 😘xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to JenRoy

That’s exactly how I felt, selfish and a twit. Like why shouldn’t they be happy I would be, I don’t want people walking on eggshells around me but at the same time I kind of want to run away from it all and never see anyone again. Not practical and not fair either. It’s just so bloody annoying that it was so easy. The comments I can also relate to, grrr xx

JenRoy profile image
JenRoy in reply to AJJ123

It is SO bloody annoying. I felt enraged with "it's so unfair" with my sister in laws news. I cried my eyes out and then had a huge rant at my poor husband. He was pretty annoyed too.

A good friend of mine who has gone through 4 IVF cycles (with one success) told me that no matter how people break the news it will never be the right way. So true!! My family all worry about telling us such news and I hate being the ones pitied or tip-toed round. But then I've no idea how I'd tell me either 😬.

Sometimes I just want them to acknowledge how hard it must be for us xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to JenRoy

You are so right, there’s no easy way of finding out ... just not face to face! Not after yesterday anyway I was shocked because I didn’t realise how much I wanted it xx

Of course you are grateful for what you have it doesn't mean that you can't be sad for what you want but don't have and no you are not being ungrateful at all.

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Thanks it’s really tough xx

Hang in there. It's ok to feel the way you do. Your turn will come.stay hopeful. Xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to

Thank you, I hope so xx

jenni_love profile image

dear hurt soul, I know it is hard to see others happy with the happiness that you may never have but you must not announce that publicly as this puts a wrong impression of you in front of others.Apart from that, you must never lose hope.Your time will come and only if it does not come then you must look for other means of getting it.Technology has grown we must grow with it.

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to jenni_love

Thank you, I see where your coming from and I get that some people may not be understanding. I am happy for them, I just wish that it was me too x

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