So.....I caved in and just done a first response test and got a faint positive, I’m 9dp5dt but now I’m worried because it’s faint that it could keep getting lighter 😫 is this still quite early do you think? Or should it be a darker line already? My bloody test is on Thursday so no doubt I’ll be testing continuously till then! I’m still spotting brown/pink so I’m waiting for the clinic to call me back to see if I should increase my progesterone. We literally swap one worry for another don’t we?? 🙈 xx
Faint positive??......Now the next panic - Fertility Network UK
Faint positive??......Now the next panic

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No this is an amazing sign! Congratulations. Stop worrying - xxx
Quiet congrats, its still fairly early days and not everyone sees a dark line a that stage! Was it first moring urine? Hopefully the line will just get darker now, good luck......also the line will darken as it dries.xx
I think that looks on track. Looks abit like my 7 or 8 dp but I’m having twins. Also I was spotting from 4dp to 9 weeks preg. No impact at all from all the research I’ve done and everyone who I have spoken to - spotting is more common than we think. Sending positive vibes, best of luck xx
It looks like positive to me🤗
Massive congratulations!
Ahh... I see the line!! Exciting times 💕 xx
Think I’ve spoke to soon as just been to the toilet to fresh blood and a few small clots! I’m praying I still have 1 of the 2 embryos onboard but feel my hope has gone down the drain! Clinic said to just keep everything the same xx