Hi. I know nobody can decide this for me but just wanted some opinions to help me make a decision.
I’m 9 weeks pregnant today. So far everything has been ok including 7 week scan which was fine.
I’m a bit of a worrier usually and I’m just finding that I’m convinced something has gone wrong and I’m terrified of a mmc (no previous miscarriages).
My dating scan is not until I’m 13+3 and I think I’m just going to be stressed for the next 4 weeks.
I’m considering getting a private reassurance scan, maybe in week 10 but then part of me just thinks I should just wait it out. If anything has gone wrong I feel like I’d rather be at the NHS appointment than a private one but then it’s a long time to wait being so nervous...
Has anyone got any advice or experiences that might help me make a decision?
Thanks 😊