this is all I need 😢 smear results. ... - Fertility Network UK

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this is all I need 😢 smear results. .help

vic77 profile image
23 Replies

hey ladies

I am in a right state. my smear was up and I went for it the week before my scratch last week. just had call from secretary at gps to say there were borderline changes noted .her exact words and I had to come back in 6 months. I have asked to speak to the gp given my treatment and now I am so worried..anyone else ever had this from a smear??also I had the scratch last week on wed and bled a little over the weekend although felt period type cramps. my period isn't actually due till Thursday this week so now I am all worried was that light bleeding at weekend a delay bleed from scratch or a light period as don't want to miss ovulation this month as that when I am going for my natural transfer..oh I am all a mess and worried now and only place I could think of turning was here. .😢xx

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vic77 profile image
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23 Replies

Hey Hun

I have had the return in 6 months thingy it wasn’t an issue.... it could be all the hormonal changes and drugs i really wouldn’t worry too much.

Can’t tell you about the bleed but could be scratch bleed. Fingers crossed as you need it will come x

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to

thanks so much for replying.I kind of wondered that as my poor insides have taken a bashing...I just don't want anything to stop this cycle and am so emotional at mo I feel that would push me over the edge 😯xx

Lilli79 profile image

Hey vic77 when I was in my 20s I had 3 abnormal smears in a row. Eventually I went for a colposcopy and they found nothing. The next smear everything was back to normal. If they were really concerned for you I think it would be a sooner call back. I assume they know you're doing ivf? xx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to Lilli79

thanks hun..I told the nurse at the time and have asked to speak to gp was in my notes but sometimes the dots aren't always joined up 😯xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey honey, right I know its really hard but dont panic. The reason that you have to go back in 6 months is borderline changes can rectify themselves so it must just be mild changes or they would have sent you for colposcopy for further investigation. I have been in your position. Unfortunately mine eventually needed treated but its honestly not that bad if it comes to that and there is nothing to say that they'll get worse. Mine went from mild changes to ok, to changes to ok then changes and eventually needed treatment....Im a smear test queen!! Been getting them every 6 months then annually for what feels like years. Have a wee chat to the GP just to settle your mind but ask me anything at all!! As for your scratch I had bleeding after both of mine which did settle and had light period cramps so yes could defo just be from that. Are your periods normally light like that? Do you have ovulation sticks? If you're really not sure if its been your period then you could start monitoring for ovulation and if your period arrives then great and if not then at least you wont miss ovulation. Big hugs sweet!xx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to Cinderella5

thanks so much hun..yes think will monitor for ovulation anyway as you say..can any of this smear business interference withy treatment then or could these changes be why I have had 4 bfns??😢thanks so much for replying..feel all upset and I knew I would get reassrance on here..seriously fed up with all this 😢xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to vic77

It shouldnt mess with your treatment and shouldnt give BFN's. Smear tests arent carried out on pregnant women as hormonal changes can give false readings so even if you were to fall pregnant they would just do your smear afterwards. As I said mild changes can just sort themselves out and they ask you to come back in 6 months as thats the government guidlines in Scotland and at least you know you're getting well looked after if they were to progress. I know that you're gonna speak to the GP but might be worth calling the clinic to let them know your smear result as they are the experts with your treatment

Fredaflintstone profile image

I had borderline smear and was advised that in most cases it resolves itself. I had to go back in 6 months then again after 6 months but nothing was wrong either of those times. Speak to your gp. Hopefully they can give you some reassurance xx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to Fredaflintstone

thanks hun. .that'sound so reassuring xx

E_05 profile image

I can’t give much advice regarding the smear but reading from others try not to worry. As for the scratch I also had some light bleeding after my 2nd one and was advised it’s completely normal, good luck for your FET x

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to E_05

thanks mrs😁xx

-noodles- profile image

hey dolly, i know it’s easy to say, but try not to freak. if it was something serious, surely they wouldn’t wait 6 months?

i had an abnormal smear a few years ago & had an easy peasy procedure where they blitzed the abnormal cells with a laser!

Amanda86 profile image

I agree the changes are maybe just borderline and likely to change back to normal again. I few years ago I had an abnormal smear and they didn’t even advice waiting another 6 months, I was sent to hospital for further investigation about 6 weeks later and had LLETZ performed that day so I think if the changes were really significant they wouldn’t have you wait another 6 months. Hope all goes well 🤞🤞 xxx

jupiter1234 profile image

Three of my friends have also had this happen to them gone back 6months later and all was fine:) I know it's hard not to worry thoughxx

A chemical pregnancy or a cervical erosion can cause abnormal readings on a smear. For the former, it's the hormones that do it, which is as the other ladies are saying, it could just be the extra hormones you're taking. It may be that a repeat in 6 months would tell you the same. Do you have a break from treatment at any point? If so, it may be best to organise a smear for then, regardless of whether that's 6 months away or not. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything is just fine xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Vic borderline usually corrects itself. More than likely in 6 months time it will be normal. If it has progressed it will be unlikely to have progressed very far. There are three grades; one, two and three, three being severe changes and one being very mild changes. One is rarely treated, but usually monitored. I had CIN 3 which is the stage before grade 0 cancer. Mine was treated in one op and I’ve been clear and fine ever since! I know it’s alraming but try not to think the worst xx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to Tugsgirl

thanks so much..the reassurance on here has helped massivey..I feel a bit all over the place all and emotional anyway so just catastrophised and thought the to yoga to chill now..thanks again xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to vic77

You’ll be fine. Any questions just ask.. but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find there are either no changes at your next smear or it’s completely normal altogether. Hope you enjoy your yoga! xx

Hi Vic. I can only reiterate what the others have said; I had grade 2 cell changes and was called back to the hospital the next day where I had to have a biopsy and, later on, a colposcopy. If they were really worried they would have you back in sooner, so try not to worry. I understand your worry though, when it happened to me I was not expecting it at all and I was terrified. I am happy to say that it's 10 years on and I'm back to 3 yearly smears and have had the all clear since. Xx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to

thanks so so much..that helps .pause and breathe xx

in reply to vic77

Good luck with your transfer. Xx


A friend of mine almost always seems to have borderline changes when she has her smears but it always sorts itself out.

I don't know if this theory pans out but they don't usually do smears during pregnancy because all the changes can give false abnormal results, so if you're going through treatments for fertility now could it be that that's given these results? Worth asking about maybe?

If you fall pregnant between now and your scheduled follow up smear, they won't likely carry it out until three months after birth I think. I'm pretty sure they only keep an eye on you if your changes are significant rather than mild. It's unlikely to be anything to worry about, many women have these results and go on to find they have a perfectly normal smear result later on

vic77 profile image

thanks so much..very reassuring xx

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