Happy new year to all of you! I have my first appointment at the fertility clinic on January 10th, i have no idea what to expect what to ask etc. I will be taking my husband with me, so far i have had 2 blood tests both came back fine, i had fertility swabs which were also fine. My OH had his SA in October came back with low sperm count, he did another just waiting for the results (would these results be with the fertility clinic? Or would he have to go to the doctors to pick up results?) i would be grateful if anyone could give any advice we have been trying for 7 years! Xxx
First Fertility appointment at QMC No... - Fertility Network UK
First Fertility appointment at QMC Nottingham.

Any advice please? X
Great news you have an appointment! I just had mine on the 5th. I’m hoping to egg share so had questions about that. Also talked about unexplained infertility and what the possible causes could be, they talked us through tests such as lap & dye and a HSG. They wanted my OH to have another SA in the clinic and took blood to check my AMH. They also did and internal scan to check the uterus and ovaries.
Have a look online of some things you may want to ask but they will give you some information about the options available, it’s easier if you have your test results from bloods and SA and they usually go through medical history with you. Are you using the NHS or private? Good luck!! X
We are using the NHS, so far my OH has given 2 lots of semen samples (would this be enough or would they ask for a third?) i have also had 2 lots of blood tests and smear test and fertility swabs and all came back fine. Did they do any tests whilst you were there? Are you using NHS or private? What is the waiting time before treatment is actually started? Thank you for your reply x
I had internal scan and AMH bloods while I was there for consultation. How long have you and OH been trying for? We are using private, NHS waiting list is so long and we are going to try and egg share so we can help someone else out in the process. Private is very quick, once bloods come back and we have counselling session we can start treatment. Maybe March time. Not sure how fast NHS is but hopefully won’t be too long if you’ve had consultation appointment. Sure they won’t need another SA if he’s had 2. Were the results okay? Do you have unexplained infertility? Our consultant suggested have the HSG to determine if the Fallopian tubes are blocked so I’m guessing they may suggest that for you if the SA and bloods are all ok. Xx
Hello Em2405,
Thank you for replying.. We have been trying for 7 years now, ive never been on contraception. My OH first semen analysis results showed low sperm count, and we have not had the results of the second test yet. I have not had a internal scan or hsg. But i hope it wont take long before treatment starts xx
Our SA came back low sperm and poor morphology. They suggested ICSI rather than IVF as that gives us the best chance. Don’t think I will go for the HSG because I’m going to egg share anyway so would have the IVF regardless of what the outcome would be. I think they may want to do more tests on you to be sure if it’s unexplained infertility. 7 years is a long time, sorry that this is happening to you, I’m sure it won’t be too long until things get started now your in the system. Have you ever fallen pregnant at all? It’s such a difficult journey, have you told close friends/family?
Yes its a long time but we didn't really pay attention to start with but now we desperately want a child so everyday feels really long. I guess i really won't know until the consultation and thats when i will find out more information. Ive never fallen pregnant. All my friends have children except a few who are not trying and my family all have children so its a lonely journey although my husband is there but its still feels lonely xxx
So sorry for you and your OH. It’s been 2 and a half years for us and that feels like forever so must be awful for you. Same situation as me really, all my friends have children except 2 who aren’t trying and don’t want to. 2 of my friends started trying after me and my OH and have had their second children now! Which is heartbreaking. I find this network great source of comfort when you’re feeling alone. My OH is amazing and so Is my mum but it can feel so lonely at times. Have you thought about have acupuncture? Read that it’s meant to be good when paired with IVF.
Hope your consultation goes well. Let me know what they say and how you feel after.
Emma xxx
Hello! Just thought i would give a update on my first fertility appointment which was yesterday! First of all we went and had to fill in some forms, and i was weighed and measured. Then we went in to see the consultant and she went through the results with us, my blood results were fine my husbands sperm count was low, 10% morphology only and basically his sperm was not so good but 2nd results were better than the first! We were advised for me to go for IUI anyone been through it? She said not to get hopes up too high as ivf would be better but i only have 1 chance with ivf and can not go back to IUI after. So now im waiting to go for a baseline ultrasound scan and has said for my OH to give another SA for a test wash (will they be using this for IUI?) Any advice would be appreciated, baby dust to you all xxxxx
Hi Lizzie,
The consultant recommended proxeed but it very expensive and the fertility nurse said anything with zinc do the same job? But im not sure what is best
Thank you!
Also was just wondering if anyone has gone through IUI? and what is a baseline ultrasound scan? Ive googled for mire information and its says this is done on the 3rd day of your cycle? Is this right? Because i dont remember what the consultant said 🙄 also they asked for my husband to produce a sperm sample to be sent for a test wash, will they use this for IUI? X
Hi your post really helped me, I am waiting for my first appointment on the 13th February. Xx