Awaiting further appointment at clinic - Fertility Network UK

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Awaiting further appointment at clinic

happydaysahead profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone. So we have now had our refferal to the fertility clinic we will be using via NHS. I know we could be in for a long wait (about 4 months I'v been told) but wondered what to expect in first appointment with fertility clinic where we will be having IVF.

I'm so much more at ease when I know what to expect lol

Thanks in advance

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happydaysahead profile image
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17 Replies
Leesalou profile image

I've got my first consultation on 9th at the ivf clinic

(I'm also NHS) I was lucky mine was 2 week wait to here from clinic and then 3 weeks for appointment, wait was due to another hospital in Kent closing making the other 2 busier)

From what I've read from my information pack I've received and letters, on the day my husband has got to do a semen analysis and me all my blood test again on the actual day then they go through the results same day, (bloody amazing as normally wait months for results NHS lol) and discus our protocol of treatment.

But I can if you want let you know what happen after my appointment on 9th,

I know different clinics all do things differently

Good luck on your journey,

Is this your first time?

This is my 2nd (but first on NHS)


happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to Leesalou

Oh wow that sounds quick then. I thought we would have months of tests again! That's abit of a relief... was dreading weeks and weeks of tests again.

Would very much appreciate if you let me know how it goes with your appointment. It helps me knowing what's ahead cause apart from basic information from the dr and some time with the nurse I'm not 100% certain as to what to expect, so any insight is appreciated.

This is our first ever ivf. A tad daunting however it will all be worth it in the end!

Best of luck to you too x

Leesalou profile image
Leesalou in reply to happydaysahead

I'll follow you if I forget to let you know just drop me a message my brain is so forgetful,

Have you picked your clinic that your going to (I got to pick out of 3 but one closed, I'm based in kent)

It's taken over a year from the doctors to all the test but I had to have an operation due to having hydrosalpinx in m remaining tube. Plus had missing blood test, wrong test, then issue with not being immune to rubella having to have that re done and wait a month, then I was all ok then probs with hubby been a long nightmare of a journey,

So once you get referred and accepted from the clinic then you basically under there care, (my clinic is private but funded by NHS)

If you know the clinic name you can look at there website and see if they have waiting time on there mine did, and I was told if I hadn't heard from them within 2 weeks to call them which I did,

Hopefully your appointment be soon xx

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to Leesalou

Yea it took us about a year to get reffered to the hospital after visits to GP and another year of tests and such at hospital to get to this point. We got diagnosed unexplained infertility, which as frustrating as it is we are looking at it positively cause there no medical needs. I had to get my BMI up to 19 and now have refferal to the privet clinic although I'm funded through NHS.

I'v had a look at the website but can't see anything to let me know but only shall have another look. I was told within 18weeks Id be seen but to call after 2 weeks if not heard anything at all.

Thanks for following I shall follow you too. All the best with your appointments x

Leesalou profile image
Leesalou in reply to happydaysahead

There's so many silly rules for NHS funding really is,

Mine is private clinic now but funded by NHS,

I'm glad I rang my up on the 2 week as they was waiting for my gyno to write to me saying problem with my hubbys paperwork, so if hadn't called if prob still be waiting,

I'll update you after my appointment on the 9th


StuLisa profile image

Hi happydays! (Love the name!) Our first appointment at the clinic (nhs) was mainly spent taking notes on our histories, what my cycles were like, family infertility issues, how long we'd been trying etc.

I also had a transvaginal ultrasound (internal ultrasound) so that the doctor could see my reproductive bits. He then renferred us for further scans at our local hospital & I had to wait about 6 weeks for that appointment.

I hope this helps to put your mind at rest a little x

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to StuLisa

Thank you

Tugsgirl profile image

We had our consultation, bloods (for std screening) and I had a transvaginal ultrasound on our first appointment. And OH provided a sample. However they combined the tests with the consultation to save us two trips because we have an hour and a half travel to our clinic x

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to Tugsgirl

So do you still have to have all those tests done again even though it's been established done before?

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to happydaysahead

Our clinic insisted

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Tugsgirl

Yes our clinic insisted too- for sperm analysis only- but didn't have to wait around for the results the way that you have to initially... mine got hubbie to go in to do test at 10am then we both went in at 2pm for the consultation, I had internal ultrasound during week 1 of my next cycle so they could count follicles then I started the meds on day 21 of that cycle.

KiraJean profile image

For your first appointment take a notepad and paper and your partner. They give you so much information that you are going to want to make notes and anything you don't hear, your partner will and vice versa. Make sure to ask any questions you have. Take as much time as you need!

I hope it goes well! ❤👍

jessica61 profile image

Hi, nice name!

On the first appointment, there is just a general review of histories

Either cycle, infertility issues, how long TTC

You might have some sort of ultrasounds

And of course furthermore scans

Though, this journey is very long.

Keep your nerves calm.

Good luck.

KJLee profile image

Hey! We waited about a month from being referred from the hospital to the fertility clinic. Our first appointment at the clinic was just an initial consultation, they explained the process and gave us a timeline, they asked us to call in on the first day of my next period and it all kicked off from there. The clinic insisted we had all the tests done prior to being referred by the hosp. It sounds as though diff clinics have diff protocols! Wishing you all the best! Existing times ahead xx

Rachwithers profile image

Hi, we’ve just had our initial ivf consulatation at our clinic last wed. Do you have a list of blood tests that are needed? We are nhs funded and it’s very expensive to have them done at the clinic so we got all ours done at our gp before we went, and my husband went in for his semen analysis a week before. All the consent forms were sent to us in the post and these were all filled in ready for the day of our appt. this seemed to speed things up.

Our actual appt consisted of an Internal scan for me, talking through ivf, and a treatment plan which begins with down regging in just over 2 weeks! Very quick! Hope it all works out quickly for you too xx

Gloriarroyo profile image

Hi happy days ahead

I am glad that you are waiting for IVF. The fact that you have been given 4 months should make you relax. However, there are a few things that you can do to help your journey to be stress-free and successful. It is true that the doctors have given you 4 months to help your follicles to mature. It is also meant to help improve the quality of your eggs and prepare the body for the exercise. Now just as it is necessary for the farmer to prepare the soil in preparation for the planting season, so it is for you to ensure that your body is ready for the IVF when the right time comes. It is one of the things that will prepare your body to respond to stimulation and carrying the baby. I want to advise you to seek acupuncture. It will help improve your blood circulatory system and prepare your body for the treatment. Also, if you are a smoker, this is the time you must quit. Nicotine ages the ovaries and makes the eggs resistant to fertilization. Consuming alcohol as your prepare for IVF increases the chances of failing. So what does it mean? That you should quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption and exercise at least 3 times a week. Also, ensure that you spend the better part of the 4 months eating a balanced diet. In particular, emphasize in taking vitamins. Lastly, ensure that you eat fertility enhancing foods. They will nourish your offspring and ensure that you give birth to healthy children.

Sweets1 profile image

Hi there, our first appointment was feb- where we just talked about our medical backgrounds and different options we could go down (we are using sperm donor ) I had a transvaginal ultrasound. A month later I had bloods taken,2 months after that we had another appointment to talk over all the bloods( all fine) then a month after that we had an appointment to just talk over what we had decided on and if we were ready to start things. I’ve received a letter now saying that there is a delay, as the company where the donor sperm comes from and the hospital are finalising certification on their license. Unfortunately we don’t know how long this is going to take, but it’s been 2 months since our last appointment, so hoping it’s not much long, hope that helps, good luck xxx

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