Not happy : My daughter went to see a... - Fertility Network UK

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Not happy

Gillyc1 profile image
32 Replies

My daughter went to see a medium last desperate for her to tell her she was going to have a baby. Unfortunately she told her that she isn’t ready to have a baby and that her husbands family are cursed and that they shouldn’t reproduce. They are both absolutely gutted and hurt by the comments and I’ve spent most of the day trying to make them feel better. I’ve told them not to take any notice. Now they feel so negative about Saturday 😓xx sorry for the rant xx

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Gillyc1 profile image
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32 Replies

Gosh what an unpleasant person to do that.

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Oh I messaged her and she tried back tracking on what she said and that my daughter had misinterpreted what she had said. My daughter told her she was having ivf when she said that . I’m fuming

Gillyc1 profile image

Btw, it was supposed to say last night she went

Elizabeth86 profile image

I thought they weren’t supposed to deliver bad vibes! That sounds awful I’m so sorry she had to hear that. I personally don’t believe in what’s ‘meant to be’ - my friend recently had a miscarriage and someone told her it’s ‘obviously not meant to be’ - how is it possible that some women are meant to have children and others not? We all deserve to be mothers. I hope your daughter can keep her chin up. Sending good thoughts xxx

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to Elizabeth86

That’s what I said to her when I messaged her. I was ready to explode xx

ChloBo84 profile image

Oh dear. I can understand why this has upset them so much. No one should say such hurtful things to someone who is going through such a vulnerable and worrying time.

It makes me so angry that people take advantage of other people’s troubles ☹️

I don’t have any experience in mediums or anything, but I really hope your daughter can try to ignore what was said and to pick herself back up and get to a relaxed and positive state again before her otd.

Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts xx

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to ChloBo84

Just before she went to the medium she went for a family meal on her hubbys side. Her sister in law was saying how she only had to look at her hubby n she gets pregnant. Fair to say, my daughter had a bad day yesterday xx

ChloBo84 profile image
ChloBo84 in reply to Gillyc1

Oh bless her 😢

It’s not an easy ride this fertility journey. And unfortunately some people just don’t know how to talk to you when you’re going through it.

You definitely know who your support system are very quickly while going through fertility issues.

If it’s any consolation, she wasn’t alone in having a bad day yesterday. I got my bfn after first ivf cycle Thursday just gone, and I’ve been quite all over the place since. Yesterday we met up for lunch with friends and our 2 yr old goddaughter (who we love seeing) but we were seated opposite 2 tables with New born babies, and about 4 other children. Needless to say, I ended up crying quite a lot of the journey home.

I don’t think we realise it at the time, but we all have a hell of a lot more fight in us than we ever thought possible. Your daughter is strong, she has come so far, and I really hope she doesn’t let some nasty words said get to her too much. She can get through this! Xx

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to ChloBo84

Thankyou for your kind words. She is supposed to test on Saturday but her hubby starts work at 6 so they have decided to wait till Sunday when he doesn’t start till 11 then me n her dad can take care of her for the rest of the day if the news isn’t good . Xxx

ChloBo84 profile image
ChloBo84 in reply to Gillyc1

Wishing her all the luck in the world. Sending so many positive thoughts to her. 🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to ChloBo84

Thankyou so much xx

SnottyCow profile image

Really weird medium, they normally don’t say anything negative. Their job (wether you believe in them or not) is to bring comfort not distress.

I think they need to speak to a doctor, not some nut-case.


Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to SnottyCow

Everything was negative , even saying that my daughter will have to fight for everything on life. Felt so bad for her today xx

SnottyCow profile image
SnottyCow in reply to Gillyc1

So supposing this woman has some sort of gift and is able to somehow know this stuff..... to who’s benefit would telling your daughter be? If the cosmos or whatever bestowed such a gift on a person wouldn’t that same force have a purpose for it?? Your daughter must understand the power she has over her own destiny!! To achieve amazing things in life you must believe in yourself. An ingrained sense that your path is set out and there is nothing you can about it is so damaging and disabling. You and your daughter are masters of your own destiny, if you want something enough you get up every day and focus on it, you world is your oyster. As Winston Churchill once said “only ever give up for good sense, never to the seemingly overwhelming might of the enemy”. or in this case the enormity of the task.

Beckyboo1985 profile image

I had a similar thing happen to me, but this was a so called friend of mine! She told me to be very careful because I would fall pregnant but my child would be ill! I was devastated, how could I be careful or prevent that from happening! And unfortunately for us, we lost our baby 2 weeks ago today, I was 15 weeks and our baby was very poorly with turner syndrome and a heart problem. I don't speak to that person anymore, and I like to think it was all a big coincidence. I just don't understand why people say these awful things. I hooe your daughter is ok and tries to put it to the back of her mind. Although I know its so hard, I've been there x

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to Beckyboo1985

That must have been awful for you. I’m so sorry. They know telling you things that you are going to worry so why do that. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Sending hugs xx

SnottyCow profile image

This is such nonsense. Please people, IVF is a miracle of modern science. Science not mumbo jumbo. That person was no friend of yours because if they were they would never tell you that.

Have hope x

I went to see one the same one on 3 occasions and then another spiritualist followed by another lady.

The one I went to 3 times said I will

The second one said continue with my road after I lost my son

The 3 one said forget it give up.

So who do I go with.... I am not sure they really are equipped to tell you the future so I make my own mind

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to

Think that’s the best option xx

SnottyCow profile image
SnottyCow in reply to

Go with a doctor!

I don’t know if it would help, you know your daughter best, but Derren Brown has done quite a lot on showing that most mediums are frauds. He talks about how they do what they do. There’s an interview here with him that might be worth a listen if you think it would be helpful to her to know that they are probably making it all up:

Triciadavis profile image

Going to a medium is about telling you the truth. If your not ready to hear the truth then you should not go. If the medium was to say what you wanted to hear then you'll feel better. But it's better to know then not know.

All I can say is have faith..

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to Triciadavis

That’s true but when I messaged her because she gave me a very positive reading about my daughter, she backtracked on everything she said to my daughter so I have my doubts about her

SnottyCow profile image
SnottyCow in reply to Triciadavis

That’s nonsense!! IVF and ICSI are miracles of modern science. Only a doctor and you’re own judgement can help you decide if it’s time to give up or carry on your journey. Please tell me people do not make life decisions based on what these cooks say! Just read the comments “backtracking”, “one saying one thing another saying another”..... mediums are good for one thing and that’s bringing comfort to those grieving if they have enough sense and empathy! I do not believe but if those who do draw comfort then fine.

It makes me so angry that someone would take it upon themselves to give medical advice!!

I’m sorry for the outburst but please use common sense. This is 2017!!

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Triciadavis

It doesn’t sound like this medium did “know” if she said contradictory things to the mother and to the daughter. She sounds like a charlatan who is making money fraudulently.

Benjaminy14 profile image

Hey Hun

So sorry to hear this , please do me a favour and see if this person advertising on face book or anywhere else ,

This so called medium obviously has no gift , take it from some one who knows their is no way any one from the other side would come through using all the energy it takes to say some thing so narsty and spiteful ,

And mediums talk to the dead , they can't possibly predict the future ,

Tell your daughter not to worry or listen to this person .

Make a public complaint about this person especially if they advised on social media ,

Please in box me if you need any help dealing with this con person. It really makes my blood boil these people pry on loss and heart ache

Sending lots of hugs

Nikki .

Blondyboo profile image

I see one but I love it she isn’t allowed to say anything negative or upsetting even if she “hears” it. She is positive and fun and I always Feel better after seeing her it feels like counselling ! But this medium she has seen doesn’t sound genuine? All I’m saying is I always take it with a pinch of salt but there are fakes out there. Xx

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to Blondyboo

Thankyou xxxx

Cinderella5 profile image

What an insensitive old witch and how dare she upset your daughter like that! It will be really hard to forget but it sounds like you're a great support for her coming on here and helping her with her difficult journey!xx

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to Cinderella5

Thankyou xxxx

smithy1986 profile image

what a horrible person to say such a thing. mediums play on the vulnerable and extort them for telling them what's in their future, when in actual fact NOBODY can foresee the future. I hope your poor daughter recognises this and has the strength to ignore such a vile

Gillyc1 profile image
Gillyc1 in reply to smithy1986

Thankyou xx

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