Hi, sorry to post this as I know lots of you would do anything to get a BFP and I do feel so lucky it has happened but I’d never thought how I’d feel after and now I’ve started worrying whether everything is ok and whether I should be having symptoms or if it ok to have none! I’m not due a scan until 19th December. Is this normal to feel like this? Has anyone got any advice to stop me worrying? X sending lots of baby dust to you all x
Worrying after a BFP: Hi, sorry to post... - Fertility Network UK
Worrying after a BFP

Totally normal to feel how you are, if anything once you’ve got a BFP is when the real worrying starts. I know we all think the tww is the worst bit (which i know it is) but for me this bit was horrendous. Lots of women say they don’t get any symptoms and all is okay, tbh I don’t really think you can go by symptoms either if you have loads of them or none. Hope the time goes quickly for you x
Perfectly normal to feel this way but just remember everyone is different with regards to symptoms. Both of my BFP’s I had no symptoms really. I definitely didn’t have sickness. My only symptoms were going to the loo a lot but that was around 6 weeks and also immense hunger from about 8 weeks and tiredness around 6 weeks. Good luck and try and enjoy this time xx

Thanks for the message, it’s reLly reassuring hearing other people’s thoughts and that I’m not going mad! I’m luck I have a good network of friend and everyone on this site are amazingly supportive no matter what stage of the journey you are at!
I still worry now and I’m 29 weeks so I don’t think it stops. Glad you’ve got some good friends xx
that's the thing its on your mind that it might get snatched away from you at any time until you have a live baby in your arms.
Perfectly normal to feel this way. And if you are still feeling worried get in touch with your clinic and see what they advise you to do. Xx
It's normal. I didn't stop worrying or second guessing until I was about 30 weeks along or so. It's natural after you've been through so much. It helped to tell myself "i'm doing everything I can and can't do anything more" - didn't make the worry go away but helped a little. Congrats on your BFP xxx
Oh, also I didn't have any symptoms for a good few weeks with my little one so don't worry too much. Be kind to yourself x
Perfectly normal. The wait between scans is waaayyyy worse than the tww xx
I felt exactly the same, I posted a very similar post a few weeks ago!
I’ve found I’ve relaxed quite a bit as I’ve progressed, but I’m still quite worried. I think it’s normal when you go through so much to get pregnant!
As hard as it is, try to relax, and soon it will be time for your scan!
I had zero symptoms until I was about 9-10 weeks, and that was just a bit of fatigue. No morning sickness, no boob stuff, nothing. I peed on a stick many many many many times!
I know everyone is different and there is no way of knowing! I’m happy I’ll relax abit more each day! Although I do reckon I will end up doing another test before my scan! When I did the stimming injections I had no side affects and had thought that it hadn’t worked but the scan proved otherwise so just need to remain positive! X
Hi there, just reading all your messages. Out of interest, after you got your BFP, and a huge congrats to you all. Did you continue normal life? Like could you do the house work and cleaning floors etc? Just don't want to jeoprodise anything, as you know, we have all struggled so much to finally get to this stage. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks ladies xx
Hi, it has only been afew days since my BFP but yes I have just continued as normal I.e going to work and doing jobs around the house but I’ve made sure I give myself rest each day. I’ve not done any heavy lifting and have only exercised by walking ( I used to run). How far are you on your journey? X
that's how it goes when you want something for so long and you finally get it its like a letdown and you worry if it's going to get snatched away from you.

We will get through this! X