Hi girls. My first pregnancy was ectopic and I lost my left tube. In a year I experienced another ectopic pregnancy but that time it occurred in the right tube. I had a nervous breakdown and of course lost my 4-week babe. The third time I became pregnant was again ectopic. The right tube was saved by doctors but I’m afraid of getting pregnant again. Can I somehow treat my tube or do something at all? How to avoid ectopic pregnancy?
Ectopic: Hi girls. My first pregnancy... - Fertility Network UK

I’m so sorry, how dreadful for you 😔
There’s others on here who will know much more than I do but I do know you can have a successful pregnancy without any tubes. Did they investigate as to why you were having all these ectopics?
Hugs xxx

Thank you Hidden for support! I've done millions of tests and everything is within normal limits. Doctor suggested that it may be cause by stress as I'm always working and sometimes need to be under sedation. I know it's possible if do IVF but why on earth should I do it if I can get pregnant when I want and have a healthy tube. She didn't even explain me anything and what are my chances, just told me it's a risk to try for a baby again. I believe there is someone who faced this personally and will be of better help than my doctor
This is so complicated, hope you are doing well. I think you definitely need to discuss this with a right fertility consultant. I had IUI and have a daughter now after trying for so many years.
Nevertheless, considering that you have had cases of ectopic pregnancy and resultant failure, Why dont you opt for IVF, I mean atleast you will have a fair chance than being in so much pain and despair. I am having goosebumps writing this.
I strongly advice you to know more about IVf and how could it suit you. There is no point in having stress that eventually harms the body.
Take care
Oh wow You’ve been through so much. Have they discussed doing a HSG? (Hysterosalpingogram) where they put dye into your tube and X-ray you to check the dye is flowing ok? Xxxx
I'm so sorry to read that you have gone through all of this! I had an ectopic myself, and had my left tube removed three weeks ago. It's a big shock isn't it! I hope you are recovering well! I haven't had much follow up with my surgeon yet, but because my right tube is also not in good condition, our option is IVF to try to avoid another ectopic pregnancy, although there is still a risk. I would advise that you speak to the hospital that treated you, or your GP. Your GP should have your notes about your ectopic pregnancy, and should be able to refer you to the right specialists, and facilitate a move forward and make you feel more confident. Keep asking questions, that's what I have done. I was worried I was being a pain to start with, but we are entitled to know our options and think about them. I wish you all the best for your recovery xx