Only 3 follicles : Had scan today after... - Fertility Network UK

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Only 3 follicles

18 Replies

Had scan today after 10 days of menopur and and 5 days cetrocide. 3 follicles of a good size of 15mm . Because only 3 follicles dr gave me 2 extra days of injections to grow them bigger. Really anxious as 3 seems such a low number . Need success stories to keep me positive

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18 Replies
penny24 profile image

They said this to me on my first round and by egg collection I had 5 eggs

Quality not quantity

All 5 fertilised!

Good luck xx

in reply to penny24

Phew thanks for your reply penny24 that's really give me hope xx

Marta37 profile image

Hi Lollypot

First round I only had 2 follicles and both fertilised. On second one I had 4 but then when they collected they actually found 5 of them. 3 reaches blastocyst stage and one (the lower quality) became my son.

Good luck and sending you a big hug!

in reply to Marta37

Thanks so much I thought it was unusual to have sofew eggs so that's given me hope, I'll pray and keep fingers crossed. This is first try and self funded . Me and my partner are older so feel this our only chance it's very emotional . Hopefully egg. Collection in few days so I'll keep more positive after hearing from you ladies x

Just keep thinking You only need one! On my first round of ivf I had 19 eggs collected. 7 fertilised, none made it to blast! 19 eggs feels such a waste.

Good luck!

Thanks for the encouragement. I've had in my head the more eggs the better chance. Sorry you didn't get any blasts it's heart wrenching . Have my scan tomorrow to check size then see how goes on egg collection. Thanks for reply em2804 x

Bule84 profile image

Hie Lollypop...wishing you all the best and remember its not about the quantity but quality

Babydust hun Xxx

in reply to Bule84

😘 thankyou bule 84 x

PipsM profile image

Hi. I only had 2 follicles (I did cry!) and they got 2 eggs at EC. Both made it to day 5 (then 1 stopped) the remaining one I had implanted worked and I'm now 13+6 having just had my 12 week scan this week.

I didn't believe that you only needed one- but it's true, miracles do happen. Good luck xxx

in reply to PipsM

Pips m , I did cry but your msgs have given me hope thank you and congratulations on your little miracle . I have my last scan today before trigger injection so I'll stay positive 😊

PipsM profile image
PipsM in reply to

Good luck- positive mental attitude all the way. Sending you baby dust xx

penny24 profile image
penny24 in reply to

How are you getting on lollypop74, do you have a date for EC? Good luck

I had my EC on Thursday so 🤞 for both of us xx

in reply to penny24

Hi penny, had scan today and they can now see 5 decent size follicles so your prediction was right and I'm more relaxed now , thanks for your first msg of encouragement 👍My EC is on Monday . Hope mine fertilise 🙏 Let's know when you get your go ahead for transfer ! Saying prayer for you x

penny24 profile image
penny24 in reply to

Thanks. This round I had 8 eggs, 5fertilised and transfer is provisionally Booker for Sunday (day 3) but may get moved to Tuesday

Good luck for Monday, not that you’ll need it 😉

U might find u brew a few more follicles before then xx

in reply to penny24

I'll be thinking of you Penny and sending lots of luck xx

Had egg collection today and they retrieved 3 eggs, the wait till tomorrow now to see if any have fertilised 🙏

Had my transfer today with one 3 day 8 cell embryo which the embryologist said had no fragmentation and was perfect , which is a relief as my other 2 eggs were over fertilised which has left me with this one and only . Got the nervous 2 week wait now to do s pregnancy test! Wish me luck x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to

Good luck!!!! No fragmentation is a very good sign x

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