On our 2nd IVF journey, low AMH and it's just horrible I'm so nervous and anxious, and crying every day. Only 2 follicles at second scan yesterday, drugs up to max from first scan on Saturday and follicles still small. Feeling sick 😟
Only 2 follicles : On our 2nd IVF... - Fertility Network UK
Only 2 follicles

I'm sorry that you're not responding the the medication in the way you would like and that you are feeling so low. Try to take things one day at a time. Thinking too far ahead is often what stresses us out! And remember you only need one egg for a positive outcome.
Good luck! x
Hi, I know its hard when you don't respond as well as you had hoped. My AMH is only 3 and I remember when I was told this, it felt like such a blow. But the consultant was very positive and told me that IVF would be my best hope of having a baby. He was very realistic about the chance of it actually working but I was really encouraged as I was tired of trying naturally. When I went for treatment, I was on high dose too and only one ovary even responded. I was so disappointed at the time. I had 4 at ec, of which 3 were mature and fertilised. On a previous scan, they had only seen 3 but they collect as many as they can to see what happens. After 5 days, 2 were still looking good and were transferred and now I'm finally past the 12 weeks with twins!
I remember that the follicles grew really quickly in a matter of days, so now with your increased dosage, hopefully that will encourage growth. You really do only need to have one good one for it to work. Please don't lose hope and try not to stress at this time, do some relaxation techniques if you can and eat lots of protein and drink lots of water. Best of luck, I hope your 2 follicles hang in there!
Meant to say that hopeful is right about taking it one day at a time. I went to counselling and she gave me the same advice, it really helped as otherwise you create all these scenarios in your head and it just does your head in. Just concentrate on the injections you have for today.
Thank u ladies, exhausted so much going on in my head, I suffer from depression and anxiety any way and this is making it 100 times worse
I totally know how you feel. A couple of months ago I was supposed to go ahead but the prospect of 2, maybe 3 eggs and possibly none fertilising combined with a big work schedule meant we decided to cancel as we are funding ourselves out here in Hong Kong where one cycle is around £10K. Our doctor was really sympathetic and realistic and we appreciated her honesty about it. She suggested I take DHEA for a month to see if it might have any impact as anecdotally there is quite a lot of evidence to suggest it could increase your egg count. The next month I went ahead and although I started off on a really high dose of gonal F, the doc said I wasn't responding so she reduced it and after careful monitoring what seemed like 3 - 4 eggs became 9!! Eventually from those we ended up with 6 grade 2 and 1 grade 2-....it was a total turn around from the previous month. Still no baby yet for me, but I'm going ahead to do FET this month.
So as previous people have said, one day at a time and maybe consider postponing and trying DHEA (75mg a day is the max dose that I took).
Best of luck and big hugs - this IVF thing is really traumatic xx
Hey Hun, sending big hugs your way. I totally sympathise and understand where your head is as right now. I had a low AMH too and I only showed 2 on my scans, which really upset me. Every time I had a scan day I got more and more upset. On egg collection day they actually found 4, and over night 2 fertilised and we're both transferred at a 2 day transfer.
It's incredibly hard to find the positive when the scans keep showing you the reality but where there are eggs there is still hope. Please do try to remain positive.
It's such a rollercoaster and my thoughts are with you guys. Good luck xxx