At my 7 week Scan this morning the nurse told me I no longer need the progesterone suppositories- I feel reluctant to suddenly just stop taking them is this right? I’ve got a box left with a weeks supply in shall I carry on using them until I run out?
Progesterone- when to stop taking???? - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone- when to stop taking????
I wasn’t given any after we got our BFP after 2ww as they say it’s unnecessary on a fresh cycle. I’m trying to trust my clinic and just go with it. Does feel scary coming off them though but trust that they know. I don’t know why everywhere does it so differently! Xx
I was told to stop taking them after my 7 week scan but to finish using the ones I had. The nurse said you actually don’t need them after your BFP but my clinic likes to keep them on for a few weeks later.
I was advised to take them up until 12 weeks x
I was advised to stop taking them after my 7 week scan also but told to wean myself off them over the space of a week. I was on them 3x a day then dropped to 2x for 4 days and then 1x for 4 days. I think we just need to trust our clinics as they have got us this far 🤞 x x
I have to carry on up to 12 weeks, it is odd how each clinic is so different, I’m glad mine is for longer as I have a subchorionic hematoma and have been spotting so anything that helps is welcome
I was adviced to take upto 12 weeks xx
I've been told up to 12 weeks when pregnant.
I was advised on both my fresh and frozen cycle to take up until 12 weeks. It’s the clinics policy x
I was only given a supply of 15 days worth and told to start after egg collection. I won't be given any more even after a BFP. I was nervous about it but trusting they know best. I do find it odd how it varies so much though.
Thank u everyone for your replies I’ll think I’ll the use remaining ones I have a left (about a weeks worth) then that’s it and trust my clinic xxx
My clinic gave me a specific date to stop, 10th November when I'll be 9 weeks 5 days. It's so strange how every clinic has different opinions on this. Like you I'll have some remaining extras, maybe a weeks worth and I plan on just taking them until they're finished xxx
My clinic told me the new research states after 8 weeks the placenta starts to produce progesterone so the pessaries were not needed after then. I stopped (happily!) using them at 7+6 and am now 12+4 waiting for my next scan on Tuesday. Each clinic has such different advice it's scary but I trusted them to know the latest research. Good luck! I hated using them- so much bloating with them! X
Amazing story - just been reading your posts, hope you're feeling better since your hospital visit and hope you're now having a great pregnancy. Xx
I stopped at 9w6d and I was very nervous about it. My clinic reassured me that it was ok to stop. I would trust them, you came this far after all these months; they wouldn't do anything to risk your pregnancy.
Have rang my clinic this morning and they said it’s perfectly fine for me to stop the progesterone they said my body is producing enough on it’s own now. They said every clinic differs but this their policy gonna finish my remaining ones I’ve got about 3 days left xxxx