I'm just starting my second round of ivf and I'm feeling really frustrated that I haven't lost the weight I put on since the first round. Ive got a bigger appetite and feel hungry all the time, which I'm not sure if it's because my appetite has increased or because of the medication. I just wondered if anyone has had the same?
Weight issues: I'm just starting my... - Fertility Network UK
Weight issues

Me too I put on 11lb since my 2nd go in April and not shifted it 😫 I’m on my 3rd and final go now then once this is over and If I get another bfn I’m really going to work on it starting with a detox . I just can’t do it with all these drugs and bloating feel my bodies not right at the moment i feel like il never be back to what I was and it will all have been for nothing. Need get back to the gym too but I just can’t be bothered at the moment I just feel lazy and keep snacking on rubbish which isn’t ideal x
I completely agree. I think if we knew it was going to work then putting on the weight wouldn't feel as frustrating. I have managed a bit of Pilates in between cycles but it has felt impossible to exercise properly because I'm so tired all the time. There is no part of this process that is easy and it feels like it all gets harder and harder. Sending lots of luck to you for this cycle. Xxx
I’m the same I’ve found it really hard to shift the weight in between cycles especially with not having a long time between them. The medication definitely causes a lot of bloating and my nurse told me they actually expect women to gain weight during treatment. Good luck for your next cycle x
That helps to hear that it's expected to put on weight. I'd also heard it usually falls off after the cycle, so although I'm sorry that you're also struggling with it, it helps to know that you've been through the same thing. I suppose it makes sense when you think about it- but when you're going through it - it's so so difficult. Where are you now in your cycle? Xxx
Definitely is tough and just add more stress to an already stressful journey. I’ve just had my 4th cycle (2nd fresh) within the year. I fell pregnant but at the weekend found out there was no longer a heart beat. Taking some time to grieve for our baby now before we decide what’s next xx
I’m so so sorry to hear that. You definitely need to take some time to grieve and to be kind to yourself. And I know easier said than done but you really shouldn’t be worrying about weight gain at the moment. Sending lots of love. Xxx
I'm exactly the same. Just starting fet cycle and can't get into the exercising since starting the whole process. Was doing fine before it. Good luck x
How far into the FET are you? I’m into my second week of down reg and I’m feeling fed up already. It seemed so much easier the first time because I was so excited to be starting and after having the negative, I just can’t get myself to feel hopeful about it. X
Yeah same as that. I'm doing a medicated prep so I got the injection last week and have bloods to get done next week and then see when to start tablets. Yeah first time was great, exciting, but same as that after having a negative you don't want to get your hopes up. I'm not a positive thinker at all. Going to try and get a bit of exercise done in the weeks before transfer - too little too late but it might make me feel a bit better x
Oh wow we really are! Im also on a medicated cycle, but I haven't been given injections- just the spray, but even the side effects feel stronger this time. I think it's very difficult to be a positive thinker when you're going through so much! That sounds like a good plan. Sending you so much luck. Xx
Me too 🙋🏼. Not eating more but the weight creeps on. Took a three month break over the summer, did Whole30 (well 60) and even with that I only shifted a small amount of the weight. My thighs are just growing out of control 🙈😂 xx
I'm the same coco. I've put on over a stone since my first cycle in July. I can't seem to shift it either and am lacking any motivation to get active. It's hard enough to pick yourself up after a failed cycle, never mind stay focused on any kind of exercise regime. I was so focused all year prior to our cycle on healthy eating and giving up booze. Now I generally feel like f*** it - I've had enough of micro managing every inch of my life. I've only just started taking supplements again as the thought of doing that on a daily was too much to contemplate. I'm sure we'll get into the right headspace in our own time x
I have been through exactly the same thing. I was being so good before – thinking about the amount of dairy and nuts I should be eating. Cutting out caffeine and alcohol and this time I just feel like whats the point – it clearly didn’t help last time!! I’m sure we will eventually. I just wish this phase would end… x
I joined slimming world after my bfn in July. And have lost 7lb so far its coming off slowly and staying off. We are due to start round 2 this week. Apparently slimming world is safe to do throughout pregnancy etc so am going to stick at it.
I put on weight from my first round a year ago. Haven’t been able to shift it after two more rounds either xx
I have gained weight since my last cycle and felt bloated and heavy (and sorta ugly) since I started this whole process. I honestly think infertility definitely affects how people feel about their bodies and appearance.
I feel your frustration my dear! I'm sending you lots of confident and good vibes for your 2nd cycle!!!
I absolutely agree. I also feel like this process over the last year has started to age me 😖
Hopefully it will all be worth it in the end!!
Wishing you lots of luck for your next cycle. Xx
Sorry to jump on this post, I am starting my first IVF soon and was wondering how it affects your weight?? Do you tend to put on, or is it more bloat?? X thanks xx
No problem! I think its different for everyone, but I get quite bloated from all the medication, and my appetite has also increased. I can't work out if that's because my body is used to eating more now- or because the medication is making me hungrier than usual! xx
Thank you xx
It’s all a bit of a minefield at the moment - my last docs appointment I was weighed (I am 1.6m and 62kg) and was advised I should probably lose a couple of kilos before our first appointment following the referral. I’ve never been overweight nor classed myself as overweight... are they really that right on restrictions?
Fingers and toes crossed for you for this round of ivf. When do you begin? X
I really know how you feel. There's so much to take in. I'm not sure, although you're nowhere near overweight, so I don't know why they said that!
Thank you. I've just finished my down regulation and waiting for my AF to go for my scan. In someways its easier having been through it before because I know whats to come, but then it also feels harder because I have lost some of the hope that I had. x