Low AMH but starting IVF: Hi, I'm new... - Fertility Network UK

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Low AMH but starting IVF

Peggy54321 profile image
28 Replies


I'm new to this so apologies if this is a topic that has been covered a few times before! I've been told that I have low egg reserves by my consultant (I'm 36, AMH level of 3.4) He mentioned that my ovary scans suggest I have a good amount of follicles, which he seemed to find promising. I've been put forward for IVF (trying to conceive for almost 3 years now) but was told that due to my low AMH blood test result that it may not work as successfully as it would for others with more eggs.

I just wondered wanted to speak to other's who had gone through something similar & if there are any recommendations for suppliments that I could take to give me a fighting chance, besides staying as positive & staying relaxed :)

Any help, comments or advice would be massively appreciated.

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Peggy54321 profile image
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28 Replies
cryst4l profile image

hi Peggy

Firstly, try not to worry about the low AMH. If you have some follicles then there is a good chance you will have some eggs for collection and remember it is only one decent egg that is required for a successful outcome. It is quality over quantity. I am going through the start of IVF in November, am 37 also with a low AMH (5.4), but like yourself, had a good amount of follicles which my Consultant felt was promising. I have already been taking Pregnacare conception and Omega 3 tablets and also CoQ10 tablets, plus starting reflexology sessions too. Get your OH to take the wellman conception tablets too. Nothing is ever a guarantee with the success but we can try and assist in the conception process in whatever way we can. Hope that helps x

Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to cryst4l

It really does! Thank you for replying,just knowing that I'm not alone & hearing from others that have similar hurdles to get over helps (if that makes sense?!) I think I'll be starting my IVF cycle in Mid-November so not too far behind you.Like you say,there are no guarentees but I'll do what I can to help the process. Very good point about quality not quantity too :) I hope all goes well for you & wishing you the best. x

cryst4l profile image
cryst4l in reply to Peggy54321

That's ok, you are most welcome. This forum is great for advice and sharing your stories, it can all be a lonely process, but stay positive. Seeing success stories help you along the way with people in similar situations. Try not to believe everything you google as each case is different. If you want to discuss anything, you can pm me as well on here. Wishing you the best on your journey too xx

Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to cryst4l

That's really lovely of you,thank you,I will do.I'm trying to keep away from too much google :-D Lots of positivity for both of us over the coming weeks.Will keep in touch xx

cryst4l profile image
cryst4l in reply to Peggy54321

That's okay, a little googling is okay. Fingers crossed we both have some good news in the end. defo, keep in touch xx


I have low amh. My clinic have advised me to take DHEA and C0Q10 so it might be worth asking your clinic about that. They are not suitable for everyone I don't think so please make sure you speak to your doctor if you decide to take them .

Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to

Thank you,I'll look in to it and ask x

C_L_A_I_R_E profile image

Read 'it starts with an egg'. Gives you some support in supplements, you can pick and choose the parts that are appropriate. It helped me with egg quality. Good luck 🍀🤞🏻

Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to C_L_A_I_R_E

Thank you! I'll take a look now x

Lou9 profile image

I'm 30, have an AMH of 4.7 and am currently on the 2ww following my first ICSI cycle. I honestly felt like I was defeated before I had even started and felt so low about the whole thing. I was also told not to expect a great response to the drugs and that they would aim for a few good eggs.

I ended up responding really well, had lots of follicles, got 9 mature eggs, 6 fertilised, 4 made it to top quality blastocyst, 1 transferred and 3 put in the freezer. I also have been on a concoction of vitamins - Co-Q10, Omega 3, Zinc, Selenium, Vit C, Vit D, Pregnacare, Magnesium, Vit B3. I also drink a large glass of organic beetroot juice daily to help with circulation and blood flow - it is revolting but I honestly swear by it. I upped my protein intake throughout the treatment and also drank raspberry leaf and nettle tea before collection. I don't know which of these things helped but the nurses and consultant at my clinic said something must have helped.

Please don't read too much into your AMH, it is only one part of the jigsaw. You have a good follicle count which is more important. Yes it may mean your supply of eggs is less than someone who has a higher AMH but at least you have found out now and still have time. Wishing you the best of luck. Xx

Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to Lou9

Thank you,I really appreciate your reply. I'll look in to the suppliments you've mentioned and the beetroot juice (maybe will drink that holding my nose!) I've only found out today,so don't really feel like I've got over the shock just yet.I'm going to just give it a go & do what I can to help myself. Wishing you all the best with your 2WW xx

LisaMV profile image

Hi Peggy. I had an amh of 4.4 at 37. It just means you wont respond to the ivf drugs and that you ivf doesn't have a great chance of working and that your cycle might be cancelled etc. I didn't have success with my ivf and all my cycles were cancelled or changed to IUI xxx

Cyantist profile image
Cyantist in reply to LisaMV

I don't think it means that you won't respond or that it is less likely to work.

Take Lou above who had a great response. My amh was 4.7, I got 6 follicles, 6 mature eggs, 6 fertilised and 6 top quality blastocysts. 5 were frozen and one was put back. That one is now 6 months old so amh is not everything.

I was told by the clinic that there was absolutely no less chance of my cycle working than someone with a higher amh value. They found no correlation between amh and success rates, though their success rate is really high in general.

I took pregnacare, and coenzyme q and also proxeed which the clinic recommended. I also took a super high dose of vitamin d supplements.


Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to Cyantist

Thank you! Xx

LisaMV profile image
LisaMV in reply to Cyantist

inviafertility.com/blog/blo... this backs up what I was told xxx

ClarabGlasgow profile image

I have low amh & just recently been through ivf. I’d say don’t expect a huge response to the drugs in terms of number of follicles seen on the scans during your stims, just focus on getting a few to fertilise , you only need one x

Orla9298 profile image

I'd agree with what everyone has said - rather than getting CoQ10 though, its recommended to get ubiquinol which is the more useful form. I buy the 300mg ubiquinol from amazon. Also if you get dhea make sure it's micronized dhea from the US. all of my consultants (I've seen 4) all recommended dhea so just ask about it xx

Anjko profile image

Read this very interesting article yesterday, try to stay positive! I am.


Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to Anjko

Thank you for posting this, very interesting read x

Nat6 profile image

Hi Peggy,

I am 32 & have a low amh level as well. It changed all the time but sadly mine just keeps getting lower.

I started ivf when I was 30 and have had good advice about supplements along the way. Including advice from my miscarriage clinic I go to.

I take the following:

omega 3 & folic acid 0.4mg

Vitamin d3 2000iu

Aspirin 75mg once a day between 6-9 but this was specifically because I misacrry.

Anyway hope this helps.


Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to Nat6

Thank you xx

PipsM profile image

Hi I have a low amh of 2.3 at 37, they found 9 follicles on my baseline. We had 1 cycle on NHS (I had acupuncture all through the cycle and for 6 months before as I needed to lower my fsh to be eligible which reduced it from 15odd to under 5). We only got 2 eggs from 2 follicles but both went to blastocyst (1 then stopped growing) and had 1 put in. I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant so don't worry - it only takes 1 egg to work!!!

Just try not to worry- easier said than done and I think acupuncture saved my sanity and my relationship as I could talk to her about it all instead of my partner!!!

Hope it works for you xx

Peggy54321 profile image
Peggy54321 in reply to PipsM

Thank you,I'm going to look in to acupuncture as I've heard really great things about it. Xx wishing you all the best with your pregnancy xx

ClarabGlasgow profile image
ClarabGlasgow in reply to PipsM

Great to hear it worked for you PipsM! Congratulations. I had a similarly low response to the high dose ivf drugs & had more follicles at baseline (8) than after stimms (only got 2 mature in the end). Did the doctors give you any explanation for where they go?? Also I I got a hycosy in March on day 8 of my cycle and the doctor counted at least 9 follicles in my ovaries so it’s as though the stim drugs actually reduced rather than grew them - at day 8 of ivf they only counted two. Any advice appreciated ? Maybe mild drugs would be better? xx

PipsM profile image
PipsM in reply to ClarabGlasgow

To be honest they didn't really explain why there weren't many follicles (& I didn't ask as it was our first cycle and I was a bit too nice to everyone!) they had to continue the cycle for the NHS funding- if they had stopped it we wouldn't have got another cycle.

I was on a short protocol and quite high menopur I think (well there were loads of needles left at the end of a vial!) I was really upset that we had only 2 eggs and no frozen ones but tried not to focus on it. Might be worth a long chat with your consultant re the protocol?

Sorry I don't have any advice!

MrsTM13 profile image

I was told for my age (31) my amh was low at 12.2 but then we're pleased with my follicle count. 2 cycles I've had 13 eggs and one miserable round I got 5 ( that cycle was terrible in every way.

This time I took coq10 for egg quality( it only takes one so don't worry about numbers but more about quality) and also royal jelly. I took a range of other vitamins also for general health and successful cycle but I've read about DHEA for eggs also. Good luck x

EmmaWills profile image

Hi Peggy, I am 40, and I am trying to conceive for years, SO is 44. I had a minor chance of conceiving via IVF. Nothing has worked for me, been through failed IUI, three failed IVF cycles. I have three MC’s. Therefore, until now I have no hopes of getting pregnant naturally. The doctor has advised me to pursue gestational surrogacy. I have been on medications and diet to enhance the quality of the eggs. But, nothing has worked, as my age has hindered fertility. But in your case, you have a chance as it only takes one decent egg to get you pregnant. Doctors suggest that the fertility treatment of women with low AMH must be carefully tailored according to their ovarian reserve. So it depends on several factors, I hope this time you succeed.

Natasha2012 profile image

hi , in 37 and my AMH is 6 but like you looked good on scan . I got 9 eggs , all mature and 8 fertilised with 3 embryos on day 5 . AMH is just a snippet of it . I was happy with my result as I thought like you it would mean I wouldn’t respond . Unfortunately cycle failed and looking to frozen transfer in feb . Have faith ❤️ xxx

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