Starting IVF with Low Amh - success s... - Fertility Network UK

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Starting IVF with Low Amh - success stories?

15 Replies

Hi, i am about to start my first round of IVF on the short protocal. I have low amh of 0.41, i am 32 which for my age is v v low. Everything else is healthy, i am regularly active and play a team sport to a high level, i eat properly, don't drink or smoke either.

I was shocked to find out after my tests in february 2016 that i had low AMH. I certainly thought for my age, weight and health everything would be hunky dory so to speak but it turns out life has thrown a curve ball! When scanned they found 4 follicles on the right ovary and 2 small ones on the left :(

I was told to take 3 months of vitamins - Vit E, Vit D, 5MG Folic Acid and 3 tablets of DHEA per day until my next appointment, which was monday just gone. I was then told i would be put on the short protocol to start as from my next period.

I am funding this myself and am hoping that i find success on the very first try, even though i'm accutely aware this is more than likely not going to happen.

I'm keeping positive though, was wondering if there were any similiar stories out there? Successes at all?

I would love to hear from you all, it's such a daunting prospect on your first try and also very expensive!

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15 Replies
Kernishp profile image

I had a low AMH and my husband had poor motility so we did short protocol ICSI IVF. They got 7 eggs, 6 fertilized, 3 made it to blastocyst and two were transferred. We now have 17 week old twin girls. It was our first attempt with ICSI IVF. Remember that IVF is there to get around the problems we have conceiving naturally so they will compensate for your low AMH with the amount of drugs they give you. It's lucky you've bitten the bullet and found this out now, rather than waiting until it's too late. Good luck for your cycle xx

in reply to Kernishp

Hi Kerniship,

Many thanks for your response and huge congratualtions on your twin girls!

Can i ask how low your AMH was? Was it your call to transfer two eggs??

Sorry for the questions xx

Kernishp profile image
Kernishp in reply to

I had my IVF in Dubai where they use a different scale. Mine was 1.8 and 2.2 was considered low for my age. Yes it was our decision to transfer two, partly because FET is not allowed in the UAE so any embryos not transferred would be destroyed- but also I knew we wanted two children and the thought of having to go through and also fund more IVF if we were lucky enough to conceive 1 child would be hard.

I often wonder how many women have low AMH and never know about it because they started trying for a baby while younger and got pregnant fairly easily. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason why some of us have less eggs 😔

AHedi profile image
AHedi in reply to Kernishp

Hi this is a long shot as I can see it is an old post. Can you please tell me where you had your IVF in Dubai? Thanks

Kernishp profile image
Kernishp in reply to AHedi

I'll PM you

MagdaM profile image
MagdaM in reply to Kernishp

Hi. Can I please ask you where did you have the IVF. I am also from Dubai and was tested with Amh at 1.8. I am 40. Only been trying to get pregnant for 3 months actively with no luck. Decided to go straight to IVF as my age is a factor and I just want to strengthen my chances as much as possible. I am looking now for clinic. Would appreciate suggestions. Best of luck and congrats on the twins

sam84 profile image

My amh level is 11.2 which I was told was very low same age as youand starting icsi hopefully in the next cpl of months just waiting on the postman every morning for my letter so glad to see some success stories for low amh x good luck on ur journey xo

emu2016 profile image

I'm 34, similar amh to you with high fsh... I start IVF short protocol in July. We've had discussions if we get to egg transfer they might put 2 back for best chance.

Trying not to get too excited about that... we were also told it was a very slim chance of working and to consider egg donation which we'll do if this round fails.

Good luck xx

ama4 profile image
ama4 in reply to emu2016

Hello, my case sounds very similar to urs, I know this post is old so would be lovely to hear about ur outcome xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to ama4

Hey ama, I’ll message you xx

I have low amh 4.3 was advised to use DE but wanted to try my own. My first cycle failed, my 2nd cycle I had 2 embryos put back and got a BFP X

RinkV profile image


I am 36 years old and low AMH.. I am trying to conceive from last 7 years but no luck so far.. yesterday we met IVF doctor and he put me on high supplement and asked me to visit during my next cycle

Anyone can please share their success stories so that it can keep me positive

Tezzabell86 profile image

I have a low AMH for my age of 31 which is 6.1 and not ovulating either and we did the short protocol IVF. And at egg collection we managed 7 eggs and 4 of those were fertilised and 1 reached day 5 which was the embryo transferred and I’m now 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Xxx

kitscat profile image
kitscat in reply to Tezzabell86

This is such great news! I’ve just had ICSI/IVF. My AMH was 9.4. I had 2 which reached day 5 blastocyst which is the one they put back in. They other they grew until day 6 and froze. Most of my friends are pregnant now and although of course I’m happy for them I am absolutely terrified it won’t happen for me 🥺

MereenPulvizjk profile image

Well, best of luck! I know how you've struggled this far! I'm also in the same boat as yours. So, yeah! Things work that way! I'm also in the same situation such as yours. We are also IVF candidate at a center in Kyiv this August or September. Awaiting for my dates! I'm 37 with no child. Keep that way, have proper diet and care! I've my best wishes with you. I hope you conceive sooner! Take care!

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