So, on an antagonist protocol which ive understood as the long proto. Anyways i have questions that i need help with. π Start Gonal-F at 300iu on 21st October. Start cetrorelix on the 25th october at .25mgs daily until HSG. Got all my dates for my scans today too. My burning questions are;
Do i take both the Gonal and Cetro at the same time?
Do I get another injection not listed as my trigger or is the cetrorelix actually the trigger injection - i just take my last one 36hrs before collection and then all my follicles will be ripe for the picking.
Do the fertility clinic give me my time to take the cetrorelix & gonal-f for my last day of injections?
Im only on norethisterone at the minute until 16th, baseline scan on 20th so if i have no answers by then ill ask my nurse, but oh so confused haha! Thanks in advance xx