So, after four scans and blood tests and 14 days of gonal f, my egg collection had been booked for Friday morning!! I've just done my last suprecur injection and trigger shot is 9pm tonight. I'm so nervous, excited and scared that it's finally here. I'm hoping it will go well! X
Egg Collection Booked: So, after four... - Fertility Network UK
Egg Collection Booked

Good luck kateamelia, nearly at the finish line 🍀xx
Positive mind brings positive results all the best Hun, good luck xxxx
Good luck! The procedure itself is totally fine. Hope you get lots of nice mature eggs! x

Hi Kateamelia. What a long slog! Never mind, you’re getting there, so well done. Just to wish you all the best for Friday, and that you get good collection. Try not to get too nervous, the staff will look after you. Diane
Good luck to you xxxx
Thanks everyone! Trigger shot all done, antibiotics taken and now just counting down to Friday!x
Good Luck for today xxx
Hope it all went well! X
Hi Daisy14, thanks for your reply! It went ok, they were expecting around 12-13 eggs but only ended up getting 9, still feeling positive though, now just waiting for the call tomorrow! Feeling a bit worse for wear but nothing a good nights sleep won't fix I'm sure 😊 x