I'm actually embarrassed to be asking this but in my defence I had a mmc last time so I'm being more careful this time.
So here goes, bear with me! I like hot showers and I know that's a no no so I switched the shower on to a heat lower than I'd usually have it and put the plug in the bath and then popped my bath and room thermometer in. It floated about as the bath filled a little and throughout my shower it ranged from 33-35 degrees but mostly stayed at 33/34. So as body temperature is 37.5 and we are ok up to that temperature I knew it was safe to get in. I showered in 12 minutes and it was a warm enough temperature for me considering I like really hot showers. But when I finished I reached down to pull the plug out with the shower still running and the water that had collected in the bath (that the thermometer was measuring) felt a lot cooler than when it hit me from the shower head 😱😱
Does that mean the water would have been hotter than 35 degrees when it came out of the shower or is it just that it feels colder in the bath as it's all collected rather than spray??
I'm so worried I've messed this up and had a shower that was too hot! I was only in there for 12 minutes so if it was hotter than 35 degrees as I was only in there for a short amount of time could it have affected our embryo? I'm currently 3dp5dt so implantation should have started today.
Sorry if this is totally ridiculous and ott but I've done everything right this time and now I'm worried