I'm getting ready to start our first FET. Last time I had the full 2 weeks off. This time I can't decide if it's better to just get on with my normal routine and go back to work. What did you other ladies do?
To work or not to work? : I'm getting... - Fertility Network UK
To work or not to work?

I had a week off last time. I was planning two but was driving myself crazy by the time the second week came. I felt fine and got my bfp anyway. He is now 2 and we are having a FET in December x I plan to have a week off again this time x
I have the same dilemma! I'm about to start the first round and i don't really know what to expect, but I think if I'm home I'll just be bored and obsessing over if it's working or not
Hiya, I chose to work the 2ww in my fresh cycle (bfn) and my fet (bfp!) I have a desk job though so no risks involved...I'd say it depends on ur job but I found working was great to take my mind off things xxx
Thank you. Yes I'm veering more towards that. Think I will be much better with an occupied mind xx
Agree with Oakey80, it really depends on your job.
I work with service users who can be quite challenging, punching you etc. I've never been willing to put myself at risk during the 2ww so have taken it off.
If I had a job where I wasn't putting myself at risk then I'd definitely work as you do become demented being off work and constantly googling everything 😂 Xxx
I have a week Off as I do 13 hrs Shift and on my feet all day. Depends how you feel
Baby it's upon to you. If you feel comfortable then go otherwise take off and have complete rest.
dear preity1 is absolutely right as each woman is not same. Some will fill comfortable while working at this stage, others will not. Concern your doctor. She will definitely tell you better after checking your reports.
I'm having a FET next Weds and I'm going to go back into work the next day. In my fresh cycle I had two days off post transfer but got bfn so now I just feel like I want to keep myself busy and not stressing xxx
Hi, good luck with your FET Hun. I decided to work my 2ww to keep my mind busy and keep me off google!! I had 2 weeks off during first cycle and drove myself mad!!! Xx
I'm 7days into my FET I took the full time off last time. This time I just took 3 days and returned to work on light duties ! If I'm honest I've found it a million times better being in work. I'm so busy and I'm lucky to have lovely colleagues, the days have passed quickly it's the evenings I'm struggling with when I can sit at home and google ! I'm taking test day off just in case. But I'm glad I've gone back to work it's kept me going xxxxxxx
I took 2 weeks off last time for my fresh and am planning on doing the same with my FET this time. But my job can be stressful and require long hrs and I didn't want to get a BFN after a stressful week and then always wonder if that was why. I do think it's important to keep busy during 2ww though, so if you have a non physical, non stressful job then I would consider going back to work. For me, my hubby took a week off so we went away for a few days and did lots of things like the seaside and the zoo and then the second week I watched box sets and sorted some stuff out around the house. Hope everything goes well this cycle!
I took the week after ET off, I had mine on a Saturday which meant I had a full 8 days to relax after. I made sure I planned something each day to keep myself occupied. I went back to work on week 2 but only had 2 days till OTD so it worked out quite well.
The main reason I took the first week off was that's when implantation occurs so wanted to give myself the best chance, I've a stressful job where I travel. If you dot have a job like that you may like the distraction. I guess how will you feel if it doesn't work, would you always wonder if it was because you went to work? If so save your self the guilt and take some time off
I took a week off after my fresh and went back to work 2 days before my OTD, I work with children with complex health care needs and the days are long and stressful, I miscarried at 5 weeks and am convinced I pushed myself too much! Going back in next week for a FET and have decided to take it easy and stay off until well after OTD just incase, if you feel you can work and your not at risk then do what's best I think others on here have done differently depending on their jobs.
I've saved up small tasks and little jobs that need doing for months so I've got something to keep me busy each day whilst I'm off!