Just a little stamping of feet but I've had enough😩 I am fed up of waiting! After our last failed round in July we had spent the best part of a year going through ivf, and my husband wanted a few months off, which is fair enough. BUT I am now desperate to get going again, and we won't be until November. I know it's not that far away now, but during our ivf journey so far my friend has had her baby, my sister in law has had hers, had countless people at work have fallen pregnant- in fact one of the women is due the day before we were before our mmc😩😩😩 sorry I'm just feeling a little frustrated with the waiting, and having a bit of a pity party, basically it's not fair!!!!!😂😩
Impatient : Just a little stamping of... - Fertility Network UK

Hey, that's absolutely natural! I feel your pain and sadness. It's just that every one of us have some struggles destined in our path. It's pretty much the same pattern in every aspect of life and not just the infertility journey. It will take a little longer for you to get pregnant maybe.
All I can say is, I can't undo the way you feel knowing other people are pregnant at this stage, but I can assure you that you'll be there sometime soon. Just hold onto your hope and tries. I'll pray that everything just falls into place and you get pregnant soon! XX
Thank you! I think 2 failed rounds and a mmc I'm just waiting for it to be my turn, like all of us here!!! I hope you're well xxx
I can understand, dear! I've had two failed IVF rounds as well. It feels like all the happiness have somehow decided not to knock at my door ever again. We gave up our fertility assistance (for quite a few reasons) and thought that we should take a break and decide if we want to go ahead with alternate options in a year or two. Honestly, I still hoped for getting pregnant but never really believed it could happen. But then out of nowhere, my twins happened in normal TTC. Quite a miracle to me! So, I'd say there's always hope. May you get your bundle of joys soon as well - I'll definitely pray for you!
It is hard, esp when you're ready to start again. But time will fly. Try and fit in things you can't do while doing ivf or even pregnant. Make fun plans and then November will be here asap.
It's good to vent and it's good that you feel ready to try again! Positive mental attitude!
We're all entitled to a post like this, totally understand how your feeling and I know it doesn't help saying the time will fly by but it will and hopefully the break will of done you both good. Try and have a few things to look forward to between now and then that should help to xx
Hi, I totally agree with the ladies. Try to make up a list of things to do while you're not through ivf and pregnancy. Traveling, checking or improving your health or anything else that might be troublesome to do during the special period. Time flies very quickly and it will be November soon. And wasting this time on anxiety is not right As for everyone else around you getting pregnant, it might be hard to interact with them, but always keep in mind that you will become one of them soon
Wish you luck and imagination!
I'm also sick of waiting! Our last ivf failed in may. We are waiting to be approved for pgd. It's out of our hands and we can't make it move faster. They're now saying we may not be able to get this round in before xmas. It is certainly frustrating!!!
My counsellor pointed out to me is that one of the reasons I am impatient about it is because, deep inside I am frightened of going through it all again, so I just want to get it over with, as it were, and though I hadn't recognised that emotion, I do think there is some of that. Along with the feeling of being sick of having your life on hold and the worry of getting older. I'm seeing her particularly to work on my struggles with trying to control everything around me and she says it's understandable that I'm trying to control little things because the big things are out of my control. But part of me thinks "if we could just get on with it then this problem I have, might sort itself out!!!"
Thank you for your reply, it's like time stands still!!
Wow you have really gone through the mill with all the testing, and when it's out of your hands that's even more tough! I see a counsellor too for this and some other stuff that I never thought impacted!! But that sounds like your counsellor has hit the nail on the head! I'm totally in panic mode already, the thought of it not working is just unbearable. Good luck with your next round, I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed for you xxxxxx