So...just taken my last doses of buserelin and menopur for egg collection on Monday! HSG HAS to be taken at 8.30pm tonight.. anyone else for EC next week. Feel quite excited at the moment. 3rd time lucky 🍀 🤞🏻... Had my final scan y'day and I've got more follicles (15) and they're a lot bigger this time some too big I think 😰 but hopefully my acupuncturist thinks at least 10 should be viable and considering I had 6 last time with 4 eggs collected I'm praying for same or couple more eggs..! I asked the nurse to write down my measurements as she wouldn't have even told me if I hadn't asked!! I know it's quality not quantity. Every round has been so different for us never know what to expect xx have a lovely relaxing weekend everyone
Last injections before HSG tonight!!! - Fertility Network UK
Last injections before HSG tonight!!!

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Hi Blondie,
I have my trigger shot tomorrow night for egg collection so only a day behind you, scary and exciting x
Will be thinking of you - sending positive and good luck vibes. Keep me posted x
Will do. Good luck for tonight x
How did your egg collection go? How are you feeling? xx
I go to 6 eggs! Can't remember most of the procedure thankfully, appparently I was quite funny trying to go from one bed to the recovery bed haha. Felt a bit sore and still a bit sore today but feeling ok. Husbands sperm was much better than expected so they are doing standard ivf rather than icsi so am really hoping they fertilise. Waiting for a call today to find out. How are you feeling? X
Good luck!! It's always an anxious time waiting for that call.. that's a good sign and they know what's best! Fingers crossed. I've been feeling loads better this time not as sore - think taking regular paracetamol helped and they gave me some with my tea and toast too after the procedure. I'm self employed so have blocked the week out and it's been a good excuse for 2 duvet days in front of crap telly/feel good films! Taking it easy today but think I'll be able to do some stuff round the house! Xx
Good luck for EC! 🙂 Xxx
Wishing you lots of luck for EC xx
Good luck! I've got egg collection on Weds 🤞🤞🤞
Last time I had lots of follicles but only 4eggs. They couldn't explain it but said it may have been due to their varying sizes. All were good quality though but sadly a bfn.
I'm hoping to be able to have enough to freeze this time. I've got 13 follicles but am feeling wary after my last experience but still excited to be underway again. Here's hoping luck is on our side for us both this time! X
Thanks so much and good luck for your EC too! Yes I am also really hoping we get at least 1 to freeze this time too never had that before! We're trying to just take one day at a time and not think too far ahead but it's very difficult..! Wish you all the best xx