I am 4 days past my 3day transfer I am having like little cramps and twinges is this a sign it may have worked or is it my body getting back to normal after egg retrieval? Have really sensitive nipples become erected very easily could this be a sign or just all the meds and injections I have been taken lately? I am trying my hardest not to think about this but I can't seem to think about it all the time has it worked has it not? Driving me nuts😳 glad it found this forum as I felt so alone as if it's only me going through this alone. My sister told me she was pregnant just few weeks before I started my treatment. I ever time she called she was talking about her pregnancy I could'int help but feel sad for myself yeah sure am happy for her but I am really sad and upset for myself. I said too her that I did not want to talk about babies as it upsets me cause it may never happen to me. She become very angry saying I was a bitch it was a innocent child and is my niece or nephew we were speaking about and that I am just hiding bruise ivf injections since then I have not spoke to her. I just feel that this whole ivf journey has taken its toll on me. I try not to get upset and stay positive but it's hard. Xx
4dpt of a 3day embryo feeling tinges ... - Fertility Network UK
4dpt of a 3day embryo feeling tinges n cramps is it normal ?

Firstly, don't be so hard on yourself! It's totally normal to feel the way you feel towards pregnant women and women with babies. I went through the same. It resulted in the ending of our relationships, as I stopped spending time with many of my friends It's just too painful, and I'm sure they felt it, so there was a very hard mood at our hanging outs... But relatives are different. I'm sorry to hear that you had a quarrel with your sister... But I'm sure she'll understand you after you describe her all the hell you are going through. She got pregnant naturally and doesn't have a notion of the opposite case. Sharing all the aspects and feelings of your journey might give her at least a plain picture of the ivf process and its influence on you.
As for your symptoms, I can't give you any advice, as my IVF journey was unsuccessful. I don't want to scare you. There are ladies here who have successful experience and will answer your questions.
In any case, I wish you all the luck in the world! Hope to hear good news from you soon! And don't forget that stress is one of the biggest enemies for a mummy, so please try to avoid and reduce negative feelings
So sorry you're having a rough time through your ivf journey. Definitely be kind to yourself and keep away from upsetting scenarios. Your sister will understand in time, sisters always come round in the end.
Try not to dwell too much on symptoms but remain positive! These could all be good signs ❤️🍀🤞🏻

Hi Littledee88. Probably just aches and pains from all the procedures and tugging about you have been through, and now you are settling down. Just have a rest when you can, and drink plenty of water, for if this was a fresh cycle, your ovaries may still be a bit active. Hope all ends well for you. Diane
Hi Diane yesterday was a good day feeling really positive today am just sitting on the sofa feeling down had cramps last night thought my period was coming. Days like this I just want to eat sweeties and junk food watching Netflix, my doctor signed ms off work for 2 weeks wish I went back to work think if I did my mind would have not been playing over time. How's u Hun? Xx