I'm becoming increasingly reliant on this great forum for support from people who truly understand each other and am so grateful to be a part of it.
I'm still only just over a week in to my first cycle of ICSI and have been feeling pretty positive trying to relax and eat more healthily, then I get the news yet another friend is expecting.
I was focussing my mind on my future and the possibility that just maybe it might happen for us and then this feels like another blow. To make it slightly more upsetting somehow, the friend who is expecting was about to have IVF herself (although she'd gone privately as found it too hard ttc for a year) but then because she had 'relaxed' it just happened! We all have been told those stories and hope maybe that might be us but now this just adds to my list of failures. The other friend who broke the news to me then went on to say that despite the odds of IVF/ICSI, everyone she knows who has been through it has had a successful first cycle, so now I almost feel like I'm set up to fail again!
My husband tries to be supportive but doesn't really understand and over time this has driven a huge wedge in our relationship. He tells me not to worry and not to dwell on the negatives but surely I'm allowed to cry sometimes? This whole horrible journey can be so very isolating sometimes.
Does anyone have any tips for getting your OH to appreciate the pain that news like this brings without having to justify my emotions all the time?
I've booked a counselling session at our clinic in a few weeks time so I'm hoping someone else might be able to reassure him that I'm not just crazy!!
Sorry this is just a complete moan, but I don't feel I can get it out anywhere else!
Sending you all love xx