Hi, me again. This is my first IVF cycle (and I’m doing it alone) - and I have a thousand questions swirling around my head. Thanks so much for all your help.
I’ve just received my treatment plan, and it includes ICSI. This wasn’t mentioned previously in my consultations. I thought that ICSI was generally used when there is a problem with the sperm; but I’m using a donor, so his sperm is of good quality.
The embryologist told me yesterday that the clinic uses ICSI by default (it’s an extra £1,350), but I can choose to have standard IVF if I wish. She said that the fertilisation rates for ICSI and IVF are broadly similar.
I asked her if ICSI would be useful because of my age (44) and the probable low quality of my eggs. She said there is a school of thought which suggests that ICSI is helpful in that regard - but no strong evidence.
I’d be hugely grateful for your thoughts. This is probably the only cycle that I’m going to do with my own eggs - shall I throw everything at it, and include ICSI just in case? Or shall I save the £1,350 given there is no real clinical need for it (and my clinic is already charging a bomb)?
Thanks so much ❤️