So today one of the ladies in the office has announced she is pregnant. Felt like I had been stabbed and wanred to cry so bad. How is this fair? I can't take this any more. 🤧ðŸ˜
Yet another pregnancy announcements - Fertility Network UK
Yet another pregnancy announcements

Hello there, I just posted something similar and now saw your post!
It's awful. I feel I am a bitch because instead of just being happy I think of me. Not that It doesn't make me happy, but I just want that for every of us too! And above all I am scared... So scared that It will never be for me...

Thank you for your reply. I just don't know what to do any more. I want to give up but I know I can't. There is no escape ever
It's a really horrid situation isn't it. I work in a school and used to dread the pregnancy announcements and then they would pass round their scan photos. It was so hurtful. And I was always scared about how I was going to react. When it's a shock thsts always worse. Xx
It's such a hard situation but one that I think we all feel. I know it's hard to cry at work but when you get home let it all out if you need to, it helps. Life really is unfair at times, keep strong xx
Sorry to hear this. What a way to start the week. I felt that in our last cycle it was just announcement after announcement. Why couldn't it be us? Your feelings are natural.
Sending you lots of strength to put on a brave face xx
Thank u so much xxx
Thinking of you! It's so hard but somehow you will have the strength to deal with it and it will get slightly easier. I cried for a week when my closest friend at work told me she was pregnant. Obviously delighted for her but I seriously thought I wasn't going to be able to cope. I'm sure you will get through this and everyone on here is very supportive if you need to vent. xx
Thank you so much xxx
Hi I know how you feel there seems to be two or three pregnancies at work permanently and when you find out they'd only started trying it breaks my heart big hugs xx
Thank you x
Life is so cruel... sadly we do always think what did we do? Why isn't it our turn? It will happen for us, for whatever reason it hasn't happened yet but you just have to keep hoping and believing... try and stay positive although easier said than done.
Sending hugs xx
It's so hard bless you I watched 4 of my friends get pregnant just like that then two at work! I ended up with 3 months off work I was so distraught/depressed! Know that the girls here understand what ur going through and I wish you all the luck in the world on ur journey x