Hi Lovely Ladies!...
I have been today for yet more blood test and scans..when i went in they took my blood said they wouldnt bother with a scan as they already know i have follicles..I was then told they are going to go ahead with egg collection on Monday but will not be transferring any embryos as they suspect i have polyps on my womb again! I am very dissappointed as i had a polyps removed at beginning of this year before i had my first ivf cycle so feels like im all the way back to the start! So frustrated at the moment..they said usually you would pay for embryos freezing but because mine is a reccomedation for medical reasons i dont have to pay but still a little guttered! Last time i had polyps removed i was 4 days in hospital as i was diagnosed with pelvic inflammotry disease straight after having polyp removed so scared isnt the word right now im just feeling very sorry for myself at moment sorry for the rant ladies! lol Hope everyone else is doing good on their journeys i do my final injection tonight good luck ladies xxxx