Has anyone conceived twins whilst transferring 1embryo? I am in the beginning stage of my Ivf cycle and not sure if it's better to implant 1 or 2. I really would love to have twins but I heard the chances of inserting two will decrease my chance. Any feedback would be appricated
Chances of being Pregnant with twins ... - Fertility Network UK
Chances of being Pregnant with twins 1 embroy transfer?

I'd love twins. I think now I've had to wait so long for a family, I want two or three. However, my consultant strongly advised to only transfer one (I'm 4th time and 1st time de). She explained the reasons and I had to follow her advice. My dream is that somehow I'm still going to end up with twins but I know I'm going to be happy with one. Best wishes xxw
P.S. I've just googled and it says 3 in 1,000 chance of identical twins.
I had 2 embies put back, because they really had low expectations of it working for me, was given max 10% chance. Both stuck, one until 6 weeks and the other is here playing.
The idea of putting back only 1 is to reduce the twin birth rate. I was allowed 2 but they did advise me against it. I was nearly 40 at the time.
It's possible the embie will divide, it does happen, but it's more unlikely than likely. xxx
We always had 2 transferred and always end up with one! For me it just increased my chances...
Hi Kyra, There is some information on the new HFEA website about this that you may find helpful - you can find it here hfea.gov.uk/about-us/our-ca.... Hope it all goes well for you.
I had 2 embryos put back even though the clinic advised against it but we decided to risk having the 2 after our last 5 day frozen embryo didnt stick I am now 13 weeks with non identical twins and i believe everything happens for a reason and the 2 was our last ones from this cycle xx
Hi there.
Just wanted to say if you are having your cycle paid for by NHS then they only allow 1 embryo transfer. Not sure if they take into consideration certain circumstances to allow 2, ie age.
Also the odds of a twin pregnancy are not reduced or increased with having IVF, as the embryo has just the same odds of splitting into 2 as if were doing it the natural way.
I'm just reiterating what my clinic info sheet has said.
Best of luck with your cycle and fingers crossed for you your dreams come true x
This is dependent on age. They will allow two if you are 40 and over.
Theres a risk that if you have two put back in then both will split and then it makes it an extremely difficult pregnancy. It happened to a lady on here recently.
I have identical twins in my family through natural conception and saw a few bad stories about one embryo implanting in the wrong spot and then the second miscarrying so was not prepared to risk it.
My clinic were dead against it but I think if we had two poorer quality embryos on a day 3 transfer there might have been another conversation at ET.
Hi I had identical twins from ivf they put back 1 5day embryo blast and it spilt there now 2 1/2 years old, I remember eating to put back in so happy I didn't as could of ended up with triplets as much as I love to have triplets the risk factor in pregnancy goes up good luck chick hope you get your positive xxx
Meant to put I remember wanting two back in sorry predictive text lol xxx
I went for you. The risk of miscarriage doubles and I didn't want to risk it
Hi there, the chance of one embryo splitting and producing identical twins is 1 or 2%, my doc says he sees it happen maybe twice a year. I am the opposite to you, I have one embie onboard and would really rather not have twins, hence all the research! If you want twins then see if you can persuade them to go with two or even three. Good luck to you x
Hey, I have read a few posts on one of these sort of forums about someone conceiving twins from one transfer but they were very few and far in between. For the question of chances of having twins from one transfer or two, as I understand it, twins happen when one fertilized cell splits into two in it's developmental process. So according to my knowledge, i dont think two transfers will help with that, in fact, possibly the opposite. Now, I am not any sort of medical professional, and you should not take my words as professional advice. be sure to ask you doctors about all of this and they can perhaps aid you in your quest of having twins, or at the very least, dispell any misconceptions or ill-informed expectations you may have about the situation you're in and the situation you are aiming for. I dont mean to tell you off or anything, I just want you to place your faith in the advice of your doctors rather than from people on these forums. I also, want to wish you luck with your IVF cycle. I went through it myself and I know how hard and painful it is. I hope it doesnt end in failure for your like it did for me. I wish you luck. Cheers!