FET 2BC Double Transfer Twins Risk? - Fertility Network UK

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FET 2BC Double Transfer Twins Risk?

LittleSmall profile image
13 Replies

Hello! We have 2 low grade 2BC 5 day blastocysts available for FET and the embryologist originally suggested we transfer both together because of the lower grading (ie lower chances) and my age (39). After discussion she said if we hadn’t had another top grade 5 day blastocyst (we had this single transfer and it was BFN) then she would suggest 1 at a time of these 2 low graders.

We want to keep moving and get through the rest of our IVF experience as quickly as we can because of my age - and I’m struggling with this contrast of ‘we will probably not got pregnant at all’ to ‘if we do this we might have twins’.

Has anyone had a similar experience / choice regarding a low grader double transfer? And equally, any success stories with a low grade 2BC 5 day blastocyst?

Other experiences are always welcome at times like this :)

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13 Replies
Greenleaves1 profile image

I think you need to weigh up whether twins is a risk you want to take. Of course one of those embryos could split into twins anyway but you aren't putting any extra chances into that.

I only had one 4BB which didn't stick. If I was in your position I would do them individually - assuming they are ok to freeze. But it's a completely personal choice.

LittleSmall profile image
LittleSmall in reply to Greenleaves1

Thank you for taking the time to reply! They are both frozen and ready for our decision before transfer day as to whether to thaw 1 or both. All of our instincts and thoughts so far, when reading/thinking of possibilities, has been 1 at a time. I think when the embryologist suggested 2 I immediately thought I would trust her suggestion, so now it’s in my head as an option.

I understand the focus needs to be ‘are we ready for twins/can we afford twins/do we understand the health risks to mum and babies’ etc - it’s just so hard to really log on to that way of thinking when my expectations are so low in terms of us having even one baby, so it feels too hypothetical and not a real thing. Does that make sense?

You’re reply has helped to remind me that tiny chances are still chances and the big picture of (even tiny) possibility needs to be considered at all times through this process x

Twiglet2 profile image

from what my consultant told me the chances of twins with both low grade embryos and approaching/over 40 is really very small and their evidence showed no increased chance in that situation so defo consider it as it is a possibility but o would t personally overthink that part. I’ve done double transfers (for speed and slight increased chance) and single transfers in this situation (as my clinic told me about research that one non healthy embryo may actually affect the other healthy one implanting and developing). My doubles have all been early losses and singles been either BFNs or my son and current pregnancy so it’s literally no right or wrong answer here but in my experience single seems to stop the ‘what ifs’ for me personally! Good luck whatever you decide! Xx

Wannabb20 profile image

It’s a personal decision but I have 2 x 2BB embryos left (I’m 42, they were frozen at 38) and have opted to transfer one at a time. My 1st transfer is booked for this Friday🤞

Rxyfxyldy profile image

Hi! How exciting for you! Not sure if it helps, but I did a double transfer - one 2BB and one 3BC frozen at 38, transferred at 39 after Intralipids, steroids etc. One stuck and I’m now 28 weeks pregnant with a girl. I’ll never know which one, but I do wonder if it did have an impact on my baby growing (she’s very small).

Best of luck to you!

Londonlady2024 profile image

Hi, with low quality embryos the chances are slim so I would transfer both. I've had double transfers previously and no twins. I have a 6.5 week baby boy.

Loveelou profile image

Hi I agree with PP, twins are statistically more likely in “younger” patients when it comes to IVF. So two low grades highly unlikely to result in twins. I’ve done both double and single transfer and my double got me BFP but not twins.

Nakijo profile image

Hi, I would go with transferring both since the chances of twins at an advanced age is low

Tnthketnf profile image

I had double transfers of low morphology blastocysts in the past. No success Based at the age I was then 38 and 39 and the low morphology the clinic was happy for me to do double transfers.

When I moved to DE I was determined to only do single transfers. After my first failed DE transfer my clinic abroad although they didn't recommend double transfer, they didn't actively discourage it either. I insisted on singles due to the Donor being much younger

Myshh profile image

Hi Sam, my story is a bit different our embryos two were 5 day blastocyst rated 5AA and 6AA long protocol fresh transfer. Our embryologist suggested to insert both regarding my age 41. This was our first try of IVF and I fully trusted the team so we took the responsibility for it might be twins. I am glad we inserted two because only one embryo survived and I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant.

Memacha profile image

I’ve done two double transfers, one was a BFN and the other with 2x 4aa embryos resulted in miscarriage but only one had implanted. I have a 2ab and 2bb in the freezer and will do a double transfer. I’m 37 but the chances are so slim both will work. My clinic recommended transferring both. If it doesn’t work, it means we can get to another collection sooner as time and amh aren’t on my side.

Rjfguitfg profile image

Just offering a little differing opinion here. As someone said, a single embryo can also split which happened to me. Created the embryos when I was 38 and transferred one 4AB that split and I’m now 17 weeks pregnant with twins. My RE was shocked because she barely ever sees it happen but it does. We were not thinking about it all but realized we should because ivf in general does slightly increase the risk of having twins. So you’re smart to think about that regardless of whether you choose to transfer one or two.

Ffion-wyn profile image

I dont Im sorry but I feel your anxiety. I had a 4BC transfer last week and the ‘C’ is really knocking my positivity. But ive heard so many positive success stories with all kinds of grading. My last transfer was a 4BB and it didnt stick.

Sending best wishes to you. X

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