Hi all,
I have been naughty and been testing early. I've been testing positive everyday for a week. I'm over the tww, as official test day was Saturday. I called my clinic on Friday and was reminded that I still have a long way to go yet (they did word it nicely). They said they don't do blood tests anymore but I may take previous advice here and go to my gp. Otherwise, I'll just have to wait till my 7 week scan. It feels like my af is coming. I'm finding it difficult to sleep as I'm constantly expecting bad news.
My OH is not excited, he's been so disappointed before. We've had two m/c's. Plus today he mentioned about us being older parents. I don't feel old, I'm 42! He said what happens if something happens to us - seriously, I expect to live for at least another 40 years. Surely lots of women become mums at this age. I feel a lot healthier and fitter than my younger work colleagues.
I think I will just have to try to stay sane till scan day but that's like three weeks. Any advice on how not to lose the plot is much appreciated. Thank you x