i need to feel positive again help :( - Fertility Network UK

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i need to feel positive again help :(

5 Replies

So I was late on my period tested and got a faint positive went to the gp to confirm it with them and went on to ring the midwife to get seen next monday. I couldn't quite believe it and I tried to contain my excitement about it. However yesterday evening I started a slight mucus bleed and had a little discomfort on my right side that in the end I was advised to go to a&e to rule out an ectopic it wasn't. Went home and woke in the morning to a full blown bleed tested and got two negatives. I am beside myself and feel so broken I had hope and the longest cycle i have had i really thought this was it. This is the second time this has happened to me now and I'm thinking that its because of the septum i have in my womb and wanted to know who I ask about having it removed because I think this is our problem it keeps implanting on the septum. I am waiting for IVF treatment hopefully before the end of this year and I now feel like whats the point in trying naturally to allow me to miscarry when i need ivf because of the septum I have. I feel like I am trying to win an ever losing battle and unless my septum is removed or I have ivf I will continue to have these losses. And to make matters worse I am having to support all my mates who are currently pregnant it just seems to come all too easy for them and as the months go by I feel less and less like myself. I feel like it will never be us. I am also worried with what I was told by my clinic that it all depends on funding if we get ivf however we are on the waiting list so does this mean we could be waiting all this time for them to turn around and say we haven't got enough funding and we have to pay? I don't know whether to wait or just pay and go private as I don't know how much more of this we can take its breaking us and I am worried it will destroy our marriage. This situation because its now happened twice has left me a lot more anxious and very questioning on whether we will ever be able to have our own family.

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5 Replies
Hampshiregal profile image

That's so sad. Thinking of you x I think getting the right medical advice is best.

in reply to Hampshiregal

I have been to my gp twice this week and also rang my clinic both of which no help I don't know what to do or who to speak to to get decent medical advice from. Whether to pay for a private consultation or just wait and see what the nhs offers first.

danysh13 profile image

hi, sorry you faced that, I'm not a big expert in this field but I believe you should consult a doctor in order to know about your chances.

Feel for you and send lots of hugs

in reply to danysh13

Thanks for your response, I saw a dr this morning who confirmed the pregnancy on monday think she felt bad too because she was pregnant herself so there wasn't much she said. so really it was a waste of time for me it just made me have a breakdown in my car. I know this is yet another tough time and I will get through it but I don't know how. I feel stuck maybe I will feel better tomo. I have recently started the pregnacare conception tablets as I was recommended them so will continue to take those. But theres not a lot I can do about where the egg implants and im sure its continuously going on the septum so how am i meant to have a baby naturally with this in my way?

Rainbow_86 profile image

Just wanted to say I am thinking of you xxx

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