Hello again!
A quick summary of my 'fertility' history: I am 35, my partner is 39, and we have been trying to conceive for 2 years. I had a first ectopic pregnancy on my right tube on Feb 2017, and in April 2018 I have been referred to a sub-fertility clinic which booked me for a hysteroscopy & laparoscopy & dye test for the end of June. Unfortunately, at the end of May, I had my right tube removed after a second ectopic pregnancy, while my left one seems to be closed (and potentially full of free fluids; hydrosalpinx) making IVF our only option to conceive our own children (after solving the hydrosalpinx, which may lower considerably our possibilities of successful IVF).
On Tuesday I went for a second appointment at the same sub-fertility clinic, which, as expected, suggested IVF. They asked us to do some blood tests (HIV, HepB and C) and to select one out of four IVF clinics available within our CCG.
I have asked several times what will now happen to my left tube (which, according to the surgeon who removed the right tube, should be clipped or removed), but the consultants keep repeating that from now on everything will be in the hands of the selected clinics (and this was the answer to all my questions).
Can someone shed some light on any the following doubts we have right now?
1. How does the NHS funding work? Do I need to decide the clinic before the referral is sent for approval to what the consultant called an "admin team"? If yes, will this choice make a difference in the success of the funding?
2. How long is the waiting time for getting an answer from this "admin team"?
3. Is there anything that can be done while we are waiting for the answer? I am thinking about removing/clipping the left tube.
4. We contacted all the four clinics. All of them said that the waiting list for the first consultation is between 4 and 6 weeks and that, after that, the time for the first treatment will depend on our clinical history. One of them offered to visit the clinic during an open day. Success rates are slightly higher for one of them (which offers the most expensive private treatments). How do you choose?
5. If we do not get an approval for the NHS funding for the IVF, can I still have the left tube treated by the NHS?
Thanks a lot for your help and sorry for the tons of questions