Hi All
I have been looking for a way to talk to people who can truly understand how I feel and now I feel I have finally found it!
2 years ago, I had 2 laparoscopies which revealed that my tubes were totally blocked and my womb heavily scarred I was also diagnosed with chronic PID. A further operation to unblock my tubes was unsuccessful. My specialist advised that I would never conceive naturally and would need IVF to have any chance (I was 35 at the time). My partner at the time couldn't handle the news and we sadly split.. I went on to meet an amazing man (not all that long after but life is funny like that) and we instantly connected and a few months later (yes I know it wasn't long but we are still together!!) we approached my specialist to ask to go ahead with the IVF. This is when the bombshell was dropped that although I couldn't conceive naturally we could not have the IVF until we had been trying for 2 years...
So... I am now 37 and the 2 years will be up in November, we are still together and have just bought a home together. I have just been back to my GP who has referred me back to the same specialist. I am nervous, but excited and feel I have just taken my first step all over again.
Anyone in a similar situation or been through the same?
LL x