Just wondered what people's views on acupuncture were? Due to the fertility being a male issue (and a man made issue at that) I wondered what benefit, if any, there would be. If it helps chill me out during treatment then great, but I don't want to be spending money I don't need to if reading a book and eating a bit of cake has the same effect on me
Acupuncture: Just wondered what people... - Fertility Network UK
I think it's about finding the right Acupuncturist, I had acupuncture last year and found it quite stressful - she said i needed to have it every week and one the same day of ET before and after. Earlier this year I found a different lady who is very much about apts fitting in with me and it being as stress free as possible. I found this time it was a lot more relaxing and definitely helped with my anxiety x
Thanks for replying, I think part of me is sceptical and the other half of me wants to do all I can to help xx

Yeah that's totally understandable, all I would say is find someone who specialises in fertility. They say it supports implantation but even Im sceptical I've had Acupunture 2/3 cycles, 1 I fell pregnant but miscarried and the other was unsuccessful x

Hi LauraM1986. Obviously people use acupuncture for many conditions including stress and anxiety. Never used one myself, but if you feel you want to try it, make sure he/she is a registered practitioner. Cake sounds good too! Good luck with what ever you decide. Diane
Find one who specialises in fertility and who listens to you. You need to feel comfortable. Personally, I don't love acupuncture (not a fan of needles) but I do believe it works. The main studies are around implantation which does show it has an impact so you might want to just go for it around that time. I also found it great when I was super bloated and stressed out by it all. You might find that you do have things off balance too, which could impact success and they can help fix that for you. Good luck with what you decide! x
Thanks Loopielu, nice to get honest opinions xx

Btw, I have fertility reflexology as well (which I like a lot more!) and my lady has a specific IVF protocol. She also does fertility massage which is another really nice thing to have done, if you want to pay for it all! I'd maybe try different things and see what feels right for you. x
I tried acupuncture last year and found it very expensive. I don't think the practitioner had much experience with fertility either. Gave it up and tried reflexology instead which I love. The lady who does it specialises in fertility. It is cheaper and longer sessions so I feel like I'm getting my moneys worth. My acupuncture sessions were sometimes less than 30 minutes and I was paying £50 per session!! I think lifestyle changes and sleep improvement has made me the least stressed person in the world though!!! So sometimes it's got nothing to do with complimentary medicine 😄
I wonder if I will feel the same way as you Lilli. I will get it half funded through my work healthcare insurance but still a bit dubious xx

Yep I had simplyhealth insurance and they paid for 50% of it but I still thought it was way too expensive for something that really didn't do much for me. I was so stressed about how much it was costing me I thought what a waste! Also she kept booking me in for weekly appointments even though I couldn't afford it (& I told her this). My reflexology lady doesn't care when I booked my appointments which has given me the flexibility to work out at what stage I really need them. When we went in for our pre planning appointment for ivf I asked the nurse when I'm likely to be stressed /hormonal and then I booked the appointments on those dates. I love reflexology so much I would probably carry it on if I get pregnant (fingers crossed, EC Friday!!). If you can try a few different types of therapies with a few different practitioners x
My DP has azoospermia and I was struggling with the whole concept of infertility and IVF. I was stressing and not sleeping so I decided that I would try anything. So started acupuncture and reflexology. I've no idea whether it will work for the IVF process as I'm on my 1st round and started down regging on Saturday. It may be coincidence but since I started it I have a few melt down but I have mainly felt calm, positive and slept like a baby. I've also not wanted to kill my DP half as much so I guess it has done some good.
Good luck with what you decide xx
It would defo be to chill me out and try and stop my manic episodes, ha! Not even started and I find myself like a woman possessed some days lol xx

My acupuncturist insists it can help with side effects too... I'm not sure... the night sweats stopped soon after she treated them but it could have been coincidence.
I'm going to carry on with it in the run up to cycle 3.
I have just reached out to a clinic to give it a go, I'm thinking it can't hurt can it!
I have a local community acupuncture clinic where sessions are only 15 quid, may be worth looking to see if you have anything like that locally?!
Thanks for replying and for the advice, will check it out. I want to do all I can without getting obsessive over it all. It's a hard balance some days...xx
Yup I totally agree, trying not to be obsessed but it's exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.
I have reflexology already and I find that super relaxing, she's not a fertility specialist just a nice woman who does it in her front room where I'm super comfy and walk out feeling like I've given myself an hour of pampering! I have regular massages again just because I like them and try hard to give myself some loveliness in a crazy busy stressful life!! Look after yourself the way that works for you, try new things if you fancy it and don't beat yourself up if it's not for you! Xx
Think I will look into reflexology too, anything that can chill me out had to be worth It! Xxx
I would say try it and see. There isn't much evidence for these things so it's more about what helps you cope in the best way possible in my opinion. And as other ladies have said the main factor may be the person who is doing it. If you are thinking about it I would suggest worth at least a try or you might question yourself if the cycle ends in a BFN - that's my way of looking at it anyway xx
I've started acupuncture with a Chinese medicine place. My first session was on Monday. Was very relaxing. I almost fell asleep. I'm going to keep going I think. Xx
Hi Hun I tried acupuncture once a week for a couple of months to help improve the flow of my cycle, but after spending £350 and no real difference I've given it up!! X x
Acupuncture was one of the things we added for our 3rd ICSI cycle and so far had a positive result. The evidence suggests it doesn't conclusively give a positive outcome although there are certainly plenty of studies that quote that it does. I do believe it aids relaxation and stress relief though which can have a positive impact. I don't find the needling pleasant but the discomfort doesn't last more than a few seconds if you lie still and then I get a whole hour to lie on a heated bed listening to relaxing music and feel pampered!!! I had sessions for a few weeks before cycle, weekly during storms and then twice on the day of transfer and a few sessions since. I'll probably keep it going until I hit my 6 weeks scan, maybe slightly longer but it is not the cheapest. I agree with the others find someone you can trust. My lady is great, very experienced in the fertility area. She's done Zita West courses and supported lots of other women. Most of all she professional, knowledgeable and reassuring and given me advice other than just the needling re:diet, exercise etc etc better than the unit really!!!
Hi rosielietea, does your lady use the heat lamp even post transfer and put needles in your abdominal area? Or did she change the approach? Xx
It strongly depends on your case.
Sometimes acupuncture used to threat some cases of infertility, but mostly "because of the potential effect of improved ovarian and follicular function. Additionally, acupuncture can increase blood flow to the endometrium, helping to facilitate a thick, rich lining".
There are article if you wish to know more: bmj.com/content/336/7643/545