Forewarned is forearmed and all that. I'm just feeling sorry for myself and need to vent. We are doing IVF because of MF and so every time I vent to my husband he feels so guilty.
Before this process I was someone whose favourite things in life were nice meals out with my husband, spending time with friends, drinking wine, running and lifting weights at the gym, doing well at work, holidays. I feel like all those things have been taken away now. I could cope with the down regs (although horribly moody) and the stimms (although uncomfortable) knowing they were short-lived. But then as some of you may have see in an earlier post, since 5 days post ET I've been at best uncomfortable and at worst in pain, getting intermittent cramps that are worse when I move, eat, laugh etc. A scan showed fluid-filled very large swollen ovaries but my blood work was fine. I can't go into work and am trying to work from home which is sub-optimal. The gym is most definitely out (also told I'm at risk of ovarian torsion still) and generally leaving the house is just too hard. Eating often makes the cramps much worse so is best done at home anyway. The Dr said that if I'm pregnant this could last for the first 12 weeks and if I'm not pregnant it may still be "weeks" before it goes away. She gave me a "well, what do you expect - this is IVF, this can happen" lecture. Well, I didn't expect it. Perhaps I was naive. I thought after EC that the worst of it physically was over. And 2 days after EC I was fine. I knew about OHSS but also that that only happened to 1-2% of patients.
My OTD is 14dp5dt (originally told 11dp5dt but then the doctor told me that the nurse who told me that was wrong). I have no desire to even test early. If I'm pregnant all this will be worth it. But if it turns out all I'm not, and this is for nothing and if I still have to take the drugs to the bitter end I think I will be even more broken than I am. All the things that I love in life that I cheered myself thinking I could return to if this doesn't work will still be off bounds for "weeks". I will remain trapped at home feeling miserable. It is just all so unfair.