Hi guys! Its a post of hope ( for those who are still trying), update ( for those who ve been here long enough to know what happened so far) and just post about our incredible miracles...
Last year this time (20 of June to be precise) i went for my third egg collection. It was my third cycle of ICSI which NHS funded for our family.
25 if June we put 2 embrios back hoping that at least one will take...
3 of July i sneakily have tested ( my official test date was 7 July) and test showed im pregnant! So happy i was!
On 21 of July(6,5 weeks pregnant) we went for our first scan...
I remember feeling so anxious, but little i knew that im carrying not one, not 2 and not even 3 but 4 little miracles!
So both embrios split.
Clinic advised reduction and transferred us to one of the best Fetal medicine doctor prof Nicolaides.
We went to see him at Kings College Hospital in London in August (11,5 weeks pregnant). He told us loads of things can go wrong...( And so they did...) That carrying 2 sets of Modi twins is basically is recepie for disaster... He said if reduction is our option we should do it that day!
We decided against.
Prof Nicolaides and his team led my pregnancy till i was 27 weeks +2 and transferred to Cambridge Addenbrooks hospital
In that time i went to have laser oblation surgery(19,5 weeks) for girls as has been told smallest baby is dying. After that i had scans every week / twice a week and always been told she is dying... Only metter of couple of days...
When babies were born via emergency c section at 27+4
Melina Bella 7.36am (910 gr)
Gionni Junior 7.37 am (1120gr)
Peppe Oliver 7.38 am (970 gr)
And Mia Fiora 7.40 am (400/420gr they still not sure)
I ve been told that Mia wont make it and its metter of couple of day or even hours...
She hadloads of complications and we had really sad/ horrendous/ very long ride in Nicu.
Melina and Gionni camehome few days after my due date (13 March) on 24 March, Peppe joined them 30 March.
And from being for 2 months in the same building with babies and see them whenever I feel like we went to see Mia every other day when 3 bigger babies were transferred to local hospital and ended up coming hardly once a week when Melina, Gionni and Peppe came home.
Mia came home only 2,5 weeks ago...31 May at 5,5 months old
She is the smallest little girl you ve ever see of that gestational age(54 weeks...from conception day) let alone 5,5 month old. At the moment she weights 3.660 kg ( weighted last Monday) when her brothers over 6 kg and sister over 5 kg.
But she is home at last...
Sorry for keeping it rather short!
Please inbox me if you have questions
You also can follow our story on Instagram
( i hope its allowed to post it here)
Loads of love and baby dust to all of you beautiful ladies! X