I've not written on here before but I'm feeling a little lost after finding out I'm not ovulating so would appreciate some advice on how to get through this!
My husband and I have been trying for 1 year now and as I'm 35yrs old I thought I should go to see the gp to get things rolling. I had the bloods taken at day 21 and I was shocked to hear I'm not ovulating. I have regular cycles all my life and had just assumed it wasn't a problem. I'm now waiting to have it recheck next month.
I know there are treatments to promote ovulation and I am trying to stay positive, but I'm failing apart a little! I think the reality of not being able to conceive naturally has really hit me and I find I am crying whenever I think about it. I am surrounded by friends who are pregnant or have children - they are lovely but they just don't understand.