Still a bit bloated, may have ohss how do I get rid of it and how much longer will it continue? X
Ohss after bfp: Still a bit bloated... - Fertility Network UK
Ohss after bfp

Hi Del92. Oh dear not what you need! Make sure you drink plenty of water, around 3 litres a day for a few days. Take paracetamol for any pain, unless you have been prescribed something else. No anti inflammatories such as ibuprofen. Keep an eye on urine output and if it lessens and/or you become breathless, then see a doctor or go to A & E as soon as possible. Hopefully it will improve in a few days. Hope you soon feel better. Diane
To be honest I haven't been drinking much water and since I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago, I been eating a lot more carbs, letting it slip a bit but have abdominal pain and bloated but it does go down at times. I'm gonna ring the clinic Monday. I'm not in pain enough to take meds, just uncomfortable xxx
Kc21 is right! Milk and water, you don't want to get constipated. Litte "bean" will be fine, I'm sure, but good idea to have a check up on Monday as you suggest. Have a good rest meantime. Thinking of you. Diane
Could I go to a/e and they have a look at the bloating and tell me if I have ohss?
Yes they can from blood test and maybe scan too. Diane
It's way better now but defo ringing the hospital Monday to get checked out.
As long as it's settling down you should be ok. It's a long time since your egg collection so all should soon be ok. Defo get a check up though on Monday. You know what to look out for now, so just try not to worry and get to bed early! Diane
Thank you, I just worry, what's your opnion on caffeine and intercourse before 6 week scan don't think I'm gonna bother on eaither x
No caffeine, and gentle love making, no "rough stuff" until at least 12/40wks. Diane
Milk and water ... lots of it !
I've found that any cravings for tea have completely disappeared as I feel so sick anyway but had been on decaf tea since prior to EC - I just think it's one of the small things you can cut out to help you feel more in control! I've been drinking lots of fresh mint tea though and that has really helped get the bloating down and it helps with sickness too x