Hi guys! So I'm a pet sitter and one of my regular customers needs me to look after his cats for a week-I spend an hour or so with them twice a day,feed & clean litter trays.I will be in my 2ww if all goes to plan so cleaning the litter tray is worrying me but surely there must be pregnant women who have cats?!?! Is there a 'safe' way to deal with this? I can't let my customer down. x
Probably a silly question but need cl... - Fertility Network UK
Probably a silly question but need clarification please x

I am sure if you use hygienic procedures (gloves, apron, hand washing etc) as I am sure you do anyway it would be fine and if it's heavy do it in stages rather than in one go xxx

Thanks Hun, It's never heavy stuff so thats ok but yes I figured gloves may be the way to go and maybe not breathing in while I'm clearing 😩😂
How r u doing? Xxx
I think it's fine as long as you use gloves hun, like button said good hygiene procedures will keep you safe xxx
Thanks Hun,I've got a load of plastic gloves at home as I guess I'll have to do the same with dog poop as I am looking after dogs in my 2ww-I didn't last time but figured this time might as well just get on with things-right diet, exercise and rest didn't work for me last time so I'm doing complete opposite this time lol!!
How u feeling? Xxx
I'm doing ok really, bit of a meltdown yesterday but I felt a lot better after a good cry! I have my follow up on 23rd may so going to try and focus on that for now and then get myself fit and well to try again in a few months xxx
U are bound to have off moments and days right now & I think u almost need it so u can let it all out.good that u already have follow up date so u have a focus x
Nhs advice says about using hot water to clean the tray every day as well.
Perhaps use gloves when you clean the trays? x
If you use gloves and a scoop and wash your hands regularly you should be fine. It is also best to scoop up the poop rather than leave it for a while as the toxoplasmosis parasite is only active after a gestation period.
If they're indoor cats, there's baaically no chance of toxoplasmosis at all - they get it from raw meat, so wee animals in the wild etc So as long as you aren't feeding them raw meat! xx
Agree with Pandash....if they're indoor cats you'll be fine but wear gloves and wash hands afterwards....I work in a vets and I know this is what the nurses do when they've been pregnant (they actually wear face masks aswell but think that's a bit unnecessary - nothing worrying can spread by aerosol from faeces/urine) x
Yeh just wash your hands before touching your face, eating etc x