Hey, I’m sorry if this sounds like a really silly question but has anyone been told not to hoover after a FET? I read something on another forum and it’s made me wonder! In my head I know it should be fine as people would do it if they didn’t know they were pregnant but just thought I’d ask! Thank you!
May sound like a silly question... - Fertility Network UK
May sound like a silly question...

I didn’t do anything on my 2 week wait I totally relaxed 😌
I’ve done more than that already 🤦🏽♀️ - not stupid amounts but I’d think too much if I did nothing at all!!
Don’t worry everyone does the 2 weeks different
My first cycle I worked lifted hoovered cleaned the lot so my 2nd cycle I did it differently had 2 weeks off work and did nothing
But I truly believe it didn’t matter what I done think the reason it worked 2nd time is I got my hydrosalpinx sorted
All I remember being told was to advoid hot baths and sex for the 2 weeks
I know it’s hard but try to think positive wish you lots of luck and hope you get you BFP XX
Thank you so much! I’m trying not to do anything that I’d look back on & think “if only I’d not...” who knows! I’m off work so not having that stress helps. So please to hear it’s worked for you - congratulations! x
Thank you 😊
Say my first cycle I come hime felt so poorly I had a bath then panicked after i see it said not too
It is a lot of what if but I tried my hardest to think positive 2nd cycle
And I had a crap 2ww had melt down the day before test date as I had the worst pre period pAins and thought it was it, and was shocked on my test day and the worrying don’t end
When is your OTD xx
Hiya libsie 3103 i thought the same so i asked the nurse when ide had my transfers she gave me a list of things not to do and hoovering wasnt on there she just said to take it easy dont do anything that you think it overdoing it and to take it easy no heavy lifting or hot baths was the biggest no no ... I think doing what you feels ok is the best thing Xx
Thank you that’s great - glad it’s not just me thinking about it! I’ve tried to take it easier than normal but if I do nothing I’ll over think everything! X
Hi, I did a bit of hoovering yesterday (1 day after fresh transfer) so I'm hoping it's ok 🙈 My clinic said pretty much carry on as normal, just avoid anything strenuous. Housework is a good distraction for me but I wanted to avoid any harsh cleaning products so decided hoovering was the best bet!
I think we all have these worries after transfer. On the one hand I know my uterus is the best and natural place for my little embie, on the other it can seem almost bizarre to take this tiny precious thing out of the lab and stick it up my doodah for safe keeping 😝
All in all I think we've been through so much already to get to this stage we deserve to cut ourselves some slack during the wait and trust that if it's going to stick it will stick.
Sorry for long rambling response to your simple question!
Wishing you lots of luck xx
House work is a good distraction for me as well! I opted out of the hoovering though - my Mother in Law is going to do it. I’m sure it’ll be fine but it’ll avoid a “what if..”
You’re right though if it’s going to stick it’ll stick. Can’t believe the housework has been the reason we’ve been TTC for 2 years and ended up doing IVF!
Wishing you lots of luck as well x
Hey lovely.
I didn’t have IVF but I carried on as normal on my 2WW, just avoided heavy lifting.
I ate lots of pineapple as it’s good for implantation & took a fertility/pregnancy all in one supplement. My diet wasn’t always perfect 🤣
I am nearly 11 weeks.
I truly believe if an embryo is right & meant to be there is very little you can do to decrease your chances!
Do whatever feels right for you. ❤️
Good luck with your 2WW I hope it is good news for you xoxo

Congratulations on your BFP! Hope it’s all going well so far. My OTD is Monday so fingers crossed x
I didn't do anything for the first 3 days, after that I presumed implantation would have taken place so just carried on as normal..... I got my positive 5dp5dt. Just make sure you don't pick the hoover up if you want to be careful, I'm sure the actual hoovering is fine xxxxx

Congratulations on your BFP! I’m going to wait til do the official blood test on Monday, not that it will make any difference to the result! xx
Good luck!! Hope it's a positive!! ❤️ I was just too stressed to wait and my clinic doesnt do blood tests so was pointless me waiting xxxxx
The nurses at our clinic always told me to take it a bit easier during the 2ww and specifically mentioned housework etc. So I left all the hoovering to my husband 😊 I didn’t want to strain my abdominal area too much. No heavy lifting either. Very best of luck to you xx
All I can tell you is what my clinic says “No housework” xx
I tried to get the dr to say that in front of my husband but she wouldn't play ball 😆