Hello everyone,
Just had my second egg retrieval: 15 hopefully-soon-to-be-embryos taken out!
Not bad for a 37 year-old I reckon?
My first cycle I was quite chuffed with 8 eggs, but then most were immature. Eventually 5 fertilised but all had cleaving issues, fragmentation and eventually nothing was good enough to transfer.
That was on a long protocol with Gonal F.
The stimulation phase was long (14 days if I remember correctly, maybe even 15)
This time we went to short protocol, Menopur instead, AND a double trigger (two different drugs) to ensure a good final push on the maturation front and this is where it has gotten us. And after only 9 days of injections!
Yes, more pain during pick up, more pain after, but also tons more hope as with nearly double the amount of eggs and some measures in place that hopefully should lead to more success.
I'm cautiously optimistic...
They do make me wait till Wednesday morning though before I'll know how they're getting on. Annoying, as last time it was the next day?!
Also annoying as Wednesday I'll have a training day at work and will need to nip out to do the call - nerve wrecking and going back in after will be a real challenge, especially if bad news...
Hey ho, onwards and upwards.
Just wanted to share this to give those of you hope where the stimulation didn't have the desired result. It might be very different next time!
Good luck to all!